

2015-04-23    03'18''

主播: 罗叔英语

152 16

北京大学校长林建华今天向到访的联合国前秘书长科菲·安南颁发了该校“大学堂”顶尖学者讲学计划铜牌及证书。随后,安南作为“大学堂”顶尖学者讲学计划学者,发表了题为《构建更加和谐的世界秩序》的演讲。 安南表示,和谐的根基有三个方面:和平与安全、可持续和兼容性的发展、人权与法治。这三者共同为社会的和谐与繁荣发展奠定基础。随着中国经济的前行,中国与非洲之间的合作与往来日益丰富,双方都希望世界整体格局和平稳定。 安南说,当今世界处于不断变化中,财富和权力不再是特定地区的特权,各个国家、地区和机构都应当适应这种变化。中国的改革开放使其在国际事务中重新处于中心位置,坚持构建和谐社会的三个根基,中国将会在世界秩序的重建中发挥重要作用。 安南还与北大师生展开交流。他结合自己在联合国工作多年的经验及卸任后调解国际争端的经历,强调各国政府提升自身能力、加强国际多维度合作的重要性和必要性。同时他也表示,目前解决这些问题还存在诸多困难,有待国际社会更多的合作与努力。 又讯(记者刘彬)《安南演讲集》《安南回忆录》中文版首发式4月22日在京举行。这两本书分别由外文出版社和译林出版社出版,展示了安南的和平思想、发展理念和丰富的人生经历。 英文报道,由中国国际广播电台【光芒君】荣誉出品: Kofi Annan calls for international cooperation and China's leadership in world affairs Anchor: Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has delivered a speech at Peking University in Beijing, calling on China to be a stronger leader in international affairs. CRI's Luo Yu has more. Report: In the speech, Annan has contended that the 21st century is an Asian century and international cooperation is needed to address thorny issues in peace and security. (Act 1, Kofi Annan) 'The 21st century might very well prove to be an Asian century. Yet Asia faces numerous threats to its sovereign peace and security. One, the resurgence of nationalism. Second, ethnic and religious tensions. Third, territorial disputes. It is increasingly obvious that more than ever international cooperation is necessary if we are to manage these changes in the world order.' Meanwhile, Annan has said he believes that China should take up the leadership role in promoting sustainable development and combating climate change. (Act 2, Kofi Annan) 'China's recent announcement on carbon emissions is a welcome step in the right direction and kind of leadership the world needs. The fate of the world might be decided at the Climate Change Conference in Paris at the end of the year. Chinese policy would be one of the keys to the success of failure of this great global effort. It will be an opportunity for China to play a leading role in making the world safer for our children and their children.' With respect to the China-proposed financial institutions, probably the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund he alluded to, Annan hopes that these initiatives could be a complement to the pre-existing institutions and can propel the development of the African continent. (Act 3, Kofi Annan) 'I also see value in the new financial institutions that China initiated, and from which I hope Africa could benefit. They should complement the existing global institutions. Inadequate infrastructure and energy are two of the biggest blocks on Africa's economic development. I urge the new and existing institutions to work with African governments, effectively addressing these constraints.' He currently chairs the Kofi Annan Foundation aimed at promoting better global governance, after his tenure as the 7th Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1997-2006. He made the speech at Beijing Forum Lecture Series and was granted Peking University Global Fellowship by the president of the university. For CRI, I'm Luo Yu.