大咖说  顾蔚:关税下调,一起去扫货奢侈品!

大咖说 顾蔚:关税下调,一起去扫货奢侈品!

2015-06-01    08'24''

主播: 罗叔英语

356 8

本期嘉宾: 顾蔚 Wei Gu,China Wealth and Luxury editor at the Wall Street Journal 报道,从今天(1日)开始,我国将降低服装、鞋靴、护肤品等日用消费品的进口关税税率,平均降幅超过原税率的50%。目前欧莱雅、雅诗兰黛、资生堂等部分进口护肤品品牌已经表示即将降价。 不过有业内专家表示,关税税率的调整本身带来的降价空间其实并不大,却有可能给部分高档品牌借机降价的“台阶”。但不管怎么说,价格降是肯定要降的了。而对于“买买买”一族来说,更大的好消息是,奢侈品打折促销也许将成为国内市场的新常态。 自6月1日起,我国服装、鞋靴、护肤品、纸尿裤等日用消费品进口关税税率将大幅降低,平均幅度超过50%;其中西装、毛皮服装等进口关税由14%至23%降到7%至10%;纸尿裤进口关税由7.5%降到2%;护肤品的进口关税由5%降低到2%。 财政部副部长史耀斌表示,降税是为了促进国内消费。 Starting from today, import tariffs on clothing, cosmetics, and some other goods in China will be reduced. The Ministry of Finance said tariffs on selected imported goods would be slashed by an average of about 50 percent. Import tariffs for Western style suits and furs will be reduced to between 7 to 10 percent, down from 14 to 23 percent. Taxes on sports shoes will roughly be cut in half to 12 percent. Tariffs on diapers will drop to 2 percent from 7.5 percent. International luxury brands are cutting prices in China to counter Chinese consumers&`& overseas shopping habits. Gucci has halved the prices of many of its products after a 20-percent cut by Chanel in March. For more on the import tariffs cut, we&`&re joined on the line by Ms Gu Wei, China Wealth and Luxury editor for the Wall Street Journal.