大咖说  中国经济专家Mike Bastin说大不列颠的中国投资

大咖说 中国经济专家Mike Bastin说大不列颠的中国投资

2015-06-22    08'13''

主播: 罗叔英语

6455 8

本期嘉宾:Mike Bastin,伦敦中国研究中心主任 Chinese financial investors further UK expansion Chinese private equity and other financial investors are increasingly participating in Chinese outbound mergers and acquisitions into the UK. While some key Chinese acquisitions in to the UK are still done by manufacturing and service companies looking to gain overseas technology and markets, an increasing number of them are done with specialist financial companies such as venture capital and private equity funds as joint investors or initiators of deals. The growth of Chinese inbound M&A into the UK has also created a vibrant market of consultants, bankers and other agents on deals who help to connect investors with suitable targets. For more on this, we are now joined on the line by Mike Bastin, director of China Business Center based in London.