大咖谈  腾讯启动个人征信服务!CPI涨,怪猪肉?PPI跌,忧桑不?

大咖谈 腾讯启动个人征信服务!CPI涨,怪猪肉?PPI跌,忧桑不?

2015-08-10    26'46''

主播: 罗叔英语

115 10

本期嘉宾: 北京大学汇丰商学院教授 Terrill Frantz 盛亚资本创始人兼CEO 曹灿 Guests: Terrill Frantz, Assistant Professor of Management & Director of Global Development Peking University HSBC Business School Cao Can, CEO of Shengya Capital Story 1: China's CPI continues to rise in July, PPI drops Consumer prices are back on the rise after months of declines. The Consumer Price Index has come in at 1.6-percent through July. This is the highest rate so far this year. However, it's still below the Chinese government's full-year target of 3-percent. At the same time, the Producer Price Index, the measure of prices on a wholesale level, dipped 5.4-percent though July. This is the 41st month the PPI in China has dipped. Story 2: Tencent to use social networks for credit-rating services It seems that people may need to carefully select the friends they make online as Chinese Internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd is about to launch a consumer credit rating service based on an individual's online social networks. Tencent says that the aim is to help financial organizations improve their risk management abilities and enable more people to get easy loans and raise credit awareness, especially among young people. The move can meet the demand of 500 million by analyzing the massive amount of data generated from all kinds of footprints users leave online.