

2015-09-13    24'00''

主播: 罗叔英语

338 17

本期嘉宾:万事达卡亚洲区联系总裁 凌海 Guest:Co-President of MasterCard, Asia-Pacific Hello and welcome to Biz Buzz, where we look at the emerging trends in the Chinese business world. I&`&m Luo Yu in Dalian. In this special edition of Biz Buzz, we'll bring you a series of reports and interviews from this year&`&s Summer Davos. We talk about Chinese premier highlighting innovation and entrepreneurship. We hear about audiences' impression by Premier Li&`&s Davos speech. And we also discuss the trends of the payments industry by talking to Ling Hai, co-president of MasterCard, Asia Pacific. That's all coming up in this edition of Biz Buzz. --------------------- (Report 1) Chinese Premier Highlights Innovation and Entrepreneurship Anchor: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has highlighted innovation and entrepreneurship as a key growth engine for China, in a speech at the Summer Davos forum in northeastern Dalian. Zhao Jianfu has the story. Reporter: Premier Li opened his speech with an anecdote about his visit on Wednesday to a small tech company in Dalian. The firm has only 10 full-time employees but has managed to attract 280-thousand freelance engineers within two years and develop more than 100 products. Premier Li highlights companies like this as China's "New champions'. "There are tens of thousands of similar companies in China. We even can not imagine how creative and innovative they are. It doesn't matter whether or not each can achieve its dreams by pooling wisdom and resources. They deserve the title of &`&new champions. " The "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" proposed by Li at the 2014 Summer Davos appears to have mobilized people's enthusiasm for entrepreneurship in China. The government has introduced measures including tax reductions and streamlined government administration to spur startups. Premier Li says mass entrepreneurship and innovation is significant for China. "mass entrepreneurship and innovation has strong power to promote economic development, increase employment, improve the economy and innovate the income distribution pattern. It can also promote social justice as everyone willing to explore their creativity enjoys equal development opportunities." He noted that more than 10-thousand new companies are registered every day and they in turn become job-providers, and this explains China's robust job creation despite economic headwinds. Besides this, many large enterprises also have innovated their production and management modes and improved the innovation efficiency of science and technology. Meanwhile, the Premier pledged reforms to allow for more partnerships between the government and private investors from China and abroad. "It is no longer just the government's show. The Chinese government will provide comprehensive and accessible public services, carry out structural reforms, and encourage social capital and foreign investment to jointly promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation." During his speech, Li vowed that China will continue to try hard to protect intellectual property rights, a crucial step to attracting international investment and encouraging local companies' creativity. Hello, you are listening to Biz Buzz, a weekly business program coming to you from our studio in Beijing. Now let��s move on the next story. --------------------- (Report 2) Audience Impressed by Chinese Premier's Davos Speech Anchor: After Premier Li Keqiang's special address at the Summer Davos opening ceremony, our reporter Wang Mengzhen caught up with several global entrepreneurs and experts in the audience. They shared their views on Premier Li's remarks. Reporter: "In his speech, the premier mentioned his visit to one local enterprise right after his arrival in Dalian, this kind of action gives entrepreneurs like me a huge boost of confidence." "Hopeful message. He gives a lot of evidence and fact that it is possible to have stable and sustainable growth. I really liked when he ended his speech with aspirations, which are the growth and well-being of human kind as a whole." Reassurance, confidence and hope. These are the three words we hear most from hundreds of entrepreneurs who joined Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's keynote speech this morning at Dalian International Conference Hall. Bangalore Gangaiah Srinivas, managing director of the Hong Kong-based telecommunication giant PCCW, believes two key messages in Premier Li's address will help define the future strategy of his company, which has a significant focus on China. "One is the very good stability of Chinese economy and definitely a bit of slowdown. Two (the second) is the fact that it is reaching out for global cooperation in manufacturing and definitely inviting more investment." Among all reform measures mentioned in Premier Li&`&s speech, Yang Xiaozhong, Vice president of Beijing-based Trina Solar, lists the most beneficial measures for his company, the world&`&s leading PV module supplier. "When it comes to streamlining administration and power delegation, record filing has now replaced the complicated check and approval. This is really an important message for the development of China&`&s photovoltaic (PV) industry, since it saves a lot of time when we seek project approval from the government." Meanwhile, mass entrepreneurship and innovation was also highlighted during Premier Li Keqiang&`&s speech this morning. As one of the key speakers during this year&`&s Summer Davos, Professor Lin Boqiang from Xiamen University says the recipe for boosting innovation is sufficient funding from the government. "What&`&s important is that how to provide funding for people with ideas and who have actual capacity to carry out ideas. I think the funding is not sufficient for the drive as the new growth point. So, moving forward, how the government motivates the financial sector and other sectors to support those people will be the key issue." Prior to the keynote speech, Premier Li Keqiang sat down with some three hundred global business leaders on Wednesday, sending clear signals that the Chinese economy is running within proper range. --------------------- (Q&A) Interview With Ling Hai, Co-President MasterCard, Asia-Pacific Finally, China&`&s economic is facing massive downturn pressure. How has it affected the credit card industry? And how does MasterCard cope, by taking advantage of a growing number of out-bound tourists, as well as recent policy easing on international credit card firms operating in China? And what is the future trend of the payments industry, any disruptive innovation in the future? At this year&`&s Summer Davos session in Dalian, I caught up with Ling Hai, Co-President MasterCard, Asia-Pacific to talk about the latest trends of the payments industry and MasterCard&`&s strategy. And that&`&s all we have time for on this episode of Biz Buzz. Remember you can get in touch with us with any questions or comments at or visit our website Biz Buzz is aired every Saturday and Sunday on FM91.5 and AM846 in Beijing and other overseas stations. I&`&m Luo Yu, until next week.