【Round Table精选】“虽然你胸小,但是你脸大啊”好戳人,怎么破?

【Round Table精选】“虽然你胸小,但是你脸大啊”好戳人,怎么破?

2015-12-29    07'29''

主播: 罗叔英语

833 50

主持人:来明、罗煜、Sam 由于英语新闻脱口秀(又名圆桌议事、圆桌会议、英文名:Round Table)FM49830每天只能精选一个话题,这里我又再选了一个。希望大家喜欢。 微博关注:@轻松调频RoundTable @CRI来明 @CRI罗煜 版权所有:中国国际广播电台轻松调频Round Table 音频制作:光芒君(罗煜) Online sarcasm – funny or hurtful? 大家有没有觉得在网络世界,有一种专治心灵鸡汤的心灵砒霜。比方说“虽然你个子矮,但是你发际线高呀”“虽然你胸小,但是你脸大啊”“减什么肥呀,脸丑和体胖又没有关系,不减了!”“比你优秀的人还在努力,那你努力还有什么用”等等。这样说,真的好吗?这些话到底是搞笑,还是伤人呢? If a person asks for relationship advice in a WeChat group chat, like "My boyfriend hasn't touched me in two weeks. What should I do?" she will get responses that she never expected. For example, "Your breasts are small, but your face is big," "No need to lose weight. Your ugliness has nothing to do with your weight," "When is the last time you had a shower?" Of course, they were most likely jokes; but I’m sure as the victim of online sarcasm, the girl feels uncomfortable. Have you encountered this and how do you go about it?