

2019-03-10    02'40''

主播: 蓝教授英语教学法

1265 8

[兰七剑中英论语诵读22-里仁:富貴] (5)子曰:“富與貴,是人之所欲也。不以其道得之,不處也。 貧與賤,是人之所惡也,不以其道得之,不去也。君子去仁,惡乎成名? 君子無終食之間違仁,造次必於是,顛沛必於是。” The Master Confucius said, “Riches and honors are what men desire. If they cannot be obtained in a proper way, they should not be held. Poverty and worthlessness are what men dislike. If they cannot be avoided in a proper way, they should not be gone. As a gentleman who abandoned benevolence, how can he have his fame? A real gentleman, in every single moment, will not act contrary to benevolence. And a hurry or in a hardship, he behaves like that.”