

2020-10-27    02'14''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

92 1

vessel 血管 The word vessel can refer to both aretry and vein. If we add the word “blood ”before it, its meaning is more definite. Otherwise, it may refer to various kinds of containers such as are cast,tub,bucket or a bottle. What ,then ,are the empty vessels in the English saying :“empty vessels make the most noise.“?They are ignorant people, but they “make the most noise”,that is, they often talk big and loud. vessel既指动脉也指静脉。如果在它前面加上blood这个词,那就更明确地指“血管”了,不然它可以指各种各样的容器,例如桶、盆、吊桶、瓶等。 英语有一句习语:Empty vessels make the most noise(满罐水不响,半罐响叮当),其中empty vessels(空罐子)又是什么呢?它们指毫无见识的人,但这些人“响声大”,也就是说他们常常夸夸其谈。