动植物英语趣说之cock 公鸡

动植物英语趣说之cock 公鸡

2021-03-31    02'39''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

229 1

cock 公鸡 A hen cackles. A cock crows. The cock,or the rooster ,crows at dawn. Do you get up at cockcrow? It is good to be confident in oneself. It is bad to be cocky. That is too-self confident. We should all guard against cockiness,for,as the Chinese saying goes, “one loses by conceit and gains by modesty.” What is “cocktail”?It does not refer to the tail of a cock. It is a mixed alcoholic drink ,often served before a Western-style meal. And it can mean specially prepared seafood or fruit eaten at the start of a Western meal. Have you ever tried “shrimp cocktail”? 母鸡咯咯叫,公鸡喔喔啼。公鸡又称rooster,破晓十分啼叫。你是不是鸡鸣时刻起床呢? 自信是一件好事情,自以为是就不好了,那是过分相信自己。咱们都应当防止自高自大,因为正如中国格言所说的“满招损,谦受益 。” cocktail是什么东西呢?它指的不是鸡的尾巴,而是一种混合酒的饮料(鸡尾酒),通常在西餐之前饮用。它也指经特别调制的海鲜或水果小食,在西餐开始时吃的,你有没有尝过虾仁开胃小吃呢?