

2021-08-05    02'31''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

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动植物英语趣说之dove鸽子 In the pigeon and family, the dove is the smaller mumber. Doves and pigeons are common in streets and squares of many cities in Europe and America. A dove played an important part in the Bible story of Noah's Ark during a great flood, The dove sent out by, Noah returned with an olive branch in its mouth. This means the flood was going down and there was land far off. Now you can see why a dog or an olive branch is a symbol of peace. A dovecots is a small house or box ,usually wooden,for doves or pigeons. In the following sentence"dovecoat" is ,of course ,used figuratively. :"The book about the dark side of the king's life fluttered the dovecotes." 在鸽子(家鸽和野鸽)家族里,野哥是比较小的成员。野鸽和家鸽在欧美许多城市的街道上或广场上都很常见。 在关于大洪水期间诺亚方舟的圣经故事里,一只鸽子起过重要作用。诺亚放出的鸽子衔着一根橄榄枝回来,这意味着。随着洪水消退,陆地已不远。现在你就可以明白为什么鸽子或橄榄枝成为和平的象征, 鸽舍是养鸽子的小屋或箱子,通常是木制的,在下面的句子中dovecote自然是用于转义的:“这本涉及国王生活阴暗面的书,引起轩然大波。”