

2021-08-09    02'13''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

239 3

Swallow 燕子 The swallow is a small bird with a forked tail. A swallow-tailed coat is a man's black coat with the lower back part divided into two, looking like the tail of a swallow. It is a formal evening coat. Swallows spend the summer in the North, then move south to avoid the northern winter. That is the origin of the saying :“one swallow does not make a summer.” It advises us not to judge by a single instance. If Team Bbeats Team A in a match, it does not necessarily follow that Team B is stronger than Team A. Any team may beat a stronger team occasionally. 燕子是尾巴分叉的小鸟。燕尾服是男性穿的黑色上装,后身底部两端分开,看上去就像是燕子的尾巴。它是一种晚礼服。 燕子到北方度过夏天,然后转回南方,以避开北方的隆冬。“独燕不成夏”的谚语,就是由此而来的。它告诉我们不要凭个别事例而做判断。假如乙队在一次赛事中打败了甲队,那不一定是甲队就比乙队强。任何一队都有可能偶然打赢比自己强的队。