#Dr. Seuss# Oh, the Thinks You Can Think

#Dr. Seuss# Oh, the Thinks You Can Think

2017-03-14    02'43''

主播: 樾樾麻麻

55 1

You can think up some birds. That's what you can do. You can think about yellow or think about blue… 你可以想象一些鸟。这是你所能做的,你可以想象黄色,也可以想象蓝色…… You can think about red. You can think about pink. You can think up a horse. Oh, the THINKS you can think! 你可以想象红色,你可以想象粉色,你可以想象一匹骏马。噢,去想象你所能想象的一切! Oh, the THINKS you can think up if you only try! If you try you can think up a GUFF going by. 噢,只要你愿意试试,你可以想象很多东西!如果你尝试下,你可以想象出一个GUFF正路过。 And you don't have to stop. You can think about SCHLOPP. Schlopp. Schlopp. Beautiful schlopp. Beautiful schlopp with a cherry on top. 你不用停下来,你可以想象SCHLOPP。Schlopp,Schlopp。美味的schlopp,上面还嵌着一颗樱桃。 You can think about gloves. You can think about SNUVS. You can think a long time about snuvs and their gloves. 你可以想象手套,你可以想象SNUVS,你可以想象SNUVS和他们的手套,想很久很久。 You can think about Kitty O'Sullivan Krauss in her big balloon swimming pool over her house. 你可以想象凯蒂 奥沙利文克劳斯在她家的大气球游泳池里。 Think of black water. Think up a white sky. Think up a boat. Think of BLOOGS blowing by. 想象黑色的水。想象白色的天。想象一只船,想象一个正漏气的BLOOGS。 You can think about Night, a nigh in Na-Nupp. The birds are asleep and the three moons are up. 你可以想象夜晚,在Na-Nupp星球的夜晚。鸟儿睡了,而星球上的三个月亮却醒了。 You can think about Day, a day in Da-Dake. The water is blue and the birds are awake. 你可以想象有一天,一个在Da-Dake星球的一天。水是蓝色的,鸟儿醒着。 Think! Think and wonder. Wonder and think. How much water can fifty-five elephants drink? 尽情地想象吧!尽情地想象吧!55只大象要喝多少水呢? You can wonder…How long is the tail of a ZONG? 你可以想象……ZONG的尾巴有多长? There are so many THINKS that a Thinker can think! Would you dare yank the tooth of the RINK-RINKER-FINK? 有那么多的东西可以让你想象,你敢不敢拔RINK-RINKER-FINK的牙? And what would you do if you met a JIBBOO? 要是你遇到了JIBBOO你会做些什么呢? Oh, the THINKS you can think! Think of Peter the Postman who crosses the ice once every day- on Saturdays, twice. 噢,你的奇思妙想!想想那个叫彼得的邮差穿过冰每天一次,周六两次。 THINK! You can think any THINK that you wish…Think a race on a horse, on a ball, with a fish! 尽情地去想象!你可以想象你所希望的一切……想象马的速度,球的速度,鱼的速度! Think of Light. Think of Bright. Think of Stairs in the Night. 想象光,想象光明,想象夜晚的楼梯。 THINK! Think a ship. Think up a long trip. Go visit the VIPPER, the Vipper of Vipp. 尽情地去想象!想象一只船。想象一次漫长的旅行。去访问VIPPER,Vipp的VIPPER。 And left! Think of Left! And think about BEFT. Why is it that beft always go to the left? 左边!想象左边!想象一下BEFT。想象一下为什么BEFT总是去左边? And why is it so many things go to the Right? You can think about THAT until Saturday night. 为什么很多东西都会向右?你可以想这个问题,一直想一直想,直到星期六的晚上。 Think left and think right and think low and think high. 左想想,右想想,上面想想,下面想想。 Oh, the THINKS you can think up if only you try! 哦,只要你去尝试,你就能想出好多好多东西。