妈妈 一起飞吧 妈妈 一起摇滚吧 #Rock 摇滚#

妈妈 一起飞吧 妈妈 一起摇滚吧 #Rock 摇滚#

2016-05-08    08'27''

主播: 人民公园北门

316 4

妈妈 一起飞吧 妈妈 一起摇滚吧 舌头乐队 昨日如梦 似流星划过  大地沉寂 就这样吧  忘掉它 就像一个婴儿吸到的第一口空气 清晨太阳从东方升起 一个孩子看到的第一丝亮光 有一天这些都会被忘掉 好似从来没有发生过 不管多么让人难受 我们还是愿意被忘掉 被彻底的忘掉 妈妈  一起飞吧 妈妈  一起摇滚吧 这里是一个世界或者国家 在乡下人的视线里 那些麦子土豆还有油菜花 或许会指给你方向 你不用站得很高 就会看见这里的全貌 这里曾经充满了动荡 侵略者们带走了他们能够带走的 毁掉了他们能够毁掉的 他们看见野花开满了山坡 金色的秋天正在向一望无际的原野告别 他们看见自己正在回家的路上 他们还看见他们所有的人站在一起 还没有一片树叶年轻 妈妈  一起飞吧 妈妈  一起摇滚吧 不知道多少年以前 人们来到这里 给山和河起个名字 骑马的坐在马背上 放羊的跟在羊身后 牛儿吃草卷起舌头 狐狸和土狼寻找着野兔子的窝 又不知道过了多少年 人们要离开了 他们没有砍过一棵正在生长的树 孩子们也没有摘过一朵正在盛开的花 他们知道山上的石头 白天都在睡觉 到了夜里 他们就醒来 和天上的星星一起歌唱 妈妈  一起飞吧 妈妈  一起摇滚吧 昨日如梦 似流星划过 大地沉寂 就这样吧 记住它 就像一个人吸到的最后一口空气 妈妈 有些东西永远也不会失去 这样说可以获得你的原谅吗 反正这里现在到处都是你的脚印 不毛之地已高楼林立 流亡之处已灯红酒绿 一个人看到的最后一丝亮光 妈妈  一起飞吧 妈妈  一起摇滚吧 Mama, Let Us Take Flight, Let&`&s Rock&`&n&`&Roll Album: &`&Mama, Let Us Take Flight, Let&`&s Rock&`&n&`&Roll&`& Coming Soon in 2014 Yesterday was like a dream As if a comet streaking across the sky, earth covered in stillness Let it be. Forget about it Like the first breath of an infant At dawn, the sun rises from the east The first light seen by a child One day, all of these will be forgotten As if they never happened Doesn’t matter how painful it may be We are willing to be forgotten To be completely forgotten Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. Over here is a world or a country As far as the farmers can see Those grains, potatoes and canola flowers May point you towards a direction You don’t need to be up high To see the full view This was a place of turmoil Invaders pillaged And destroyed what they could They saw a hillside full of wild flowers Just as the golden Fall was waving good bye to the endless open fields. They also saw themselves on their way home They saw that when all of them stood together They were no older than a piece of leaf. Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. Don’t know how long ago, people came And gave mountains and rivers their names Horse riders riding on the back of horses Shepherds walking behind their herd Ox curling its tongue, feeding on the grass Foxes and coyotes out looking for hares’ nests. After don’t know how many years People started to leave They’ve never cut down a tree that was still growing Kids’ve never picked a flower that was still blooming They know the stones in the mountains slept during the day And when the night came The stones would wake up and sing songs with all of the stars in the sky Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. Yesterday was like a dream As if a comet streaking across the sky, earth covered in stillness Let it be. Remember it. Just like a person’s last breath Mother, somethings will never be forgotten Would you give me your forgiveness then Either way, your footprints are everywhere Desolate places are now full of skyscrapers Once places of turmoil are now full of life and festive joy The last slit of light seen by a person Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. Mama, let us take flight, mama, let’s Rock’n Roll. We are willing to be forgotten