Gone With The Sin #哥特摇滚 Gothic Rock#

Gone With The Sin #哥特摇滚 Gothic Rock#

2016-06-12    04'22''

主播: 人民公园北门

491 15

Gone With The Sin - HIM I love your skin oh so white    我爱你如此白净的肌肤    I love your touch cold as ice    我爱你冰般冷酷的抚摸    And I love every single tear you cry    我也爱你流下的每一滴眼泪    I just love the way you're losing your life    以及你走向死亡的方式    Oh~oh~oh~oh~oh~ my Baby, how beautiful you are    哦宝贝,你是如此的美丽    Oh~oh~oh~oh~oh~ my Darling, completely torn apart    亲爱的,你完全被撕裂    You're gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are    宝贝,你已经随着原罪飘逝,是如此的美丽    So gone with the sin ,my Darling    亲爱的,你已随着原罪飘逝.    I adore the despair in your eyes    我迷信着你眼中绝望    I worship your lips once red as wine    我膜拜着你如酒红唇    And I crave for your scent sending shivers down my spine    我贪恋着你的气息,让它穿越我的身体震颤着我的脊髓 (我迷恋你的香气,它让我不住的颤抖)    I just love the way you're running out of life    我就是喜欢你如此耗尽自己的方式    Oh~oh~oh~oh~oh~ my Baby, how beautiful you are    宝贝,你是这般的美丽    Oh~oh~oh~oh~oh~ my Darling, completely torn apart    亲爱的,你已被美丽彻底的撕裂    You're gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are    宝贝,你已经随着原罪飘逝,是如此的美好    So gone with the sin my Darling    亲爱的,你已随着原罪飘逝    Oh~oh~oh~oh~oh~ my Baby, how beautiful you are    宝贝,你是这般的美丽    Oh~oh~oh~oh~oh~ my Darling, completely torn apart    亲爱的,你已被美丽彻底的撕裂    You're gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are    宝贝,你已经随着原罪飘逝,是如此的美好    So gone with the sin my Darling    亲爱的,你已随着原罪飘逝