Her Mantle So Green #凯尔特民谣 Celtic Folk#

Her Mantle So Green #凯尔特民谣 Celtic Folk#

2016-07-23    05'37''

主播: 人民公园北门

398 5

Her Mantle So Green -Sinéad O'Connor As I went out walking' one morning in June 六月的一个早晨我出门散步 To view the fair fields' and the valleys in bloom; 去欣赏盛夏朗朗的原野和山谷。 I spied a pretty fair maid' she appeared like a queen' 我看到一位金发少女,宛如女王(她正是我在战场上日夜思念的爱人), With her costly fine robes and her mantle so green 她穿着精致长袍,披风绿得那么悦目。 Says I' my pretty fair maid' wont you come with me' 我(试探地)说:“可爱的女孩儿,愿意到我身边来不? We’ll both join in wedlock' and married we’ll be; 我们将步入殿堂,牵手到老, I will dress you in fine linen' you’ll appear like a queen' 我将为你披上精致的礼服,你会看起来像女王一样, With your costly fine robes and your mantle so green. 你就穿上你现在这身不菲长袍和绿得那么醒目的披风就够了! Says she' now my young man' you must be excused' 她(认真的)说“年轻人,我只能说声对不住。 For I’ll wed no man' so you must be refused; 因为我将不会为任何人出嫁,你当然也不可能。 To the green woods I will wander and shun all men’s view 我将走向绿林深处, 避开所有男子的注目, For the boy I love dearly lies in farmed waterloo. 因为我爱的男孩阵亡在著名的滑铁卢。” Well if you’re not married' say your lover’s name “好吧,你要是不嫁,告诉我你爱人的名字, I fought in that battle' so I might know the same. 因为我上过战场,可能知道这些事。”(我继续糊弄着我的爱人) Draw near to my garment' and there you will see “走近我,看看我的衣服, His name is embroidered on my mantle so green. 他的名字就绣在绿披风上,很醒目。” In the ribbon of her mantle' there I did behold' 举起她的披风的缎带,我有幸看到—— His name and his surname' in letters of gold 看到了他的名字(我自己的名字),被绣成了金色字母。 Young William O’Riley' appeared in my view 映入眼帘的是三个字:威廉姆·欧·莱利。(此刻我内心百感交集) He was my chief comrade back in farmed waterloo (我谎称)他是我战场上的上级。 And as he lay dying' I heard his last cry 他临别之际,我听到了他最后的哭诉: “If you were here lovely Nancy I’d be willing to die” “亲爱的南希,要是此刻你在我身边,我就不会那么痛苦的死去!” And as I told her this story' in anguish she flew' 我把他的故事告诉他,她更加痛苦了; And the more that I told her' the paler she grew 我说得越多,她的脸色越是苍白。 So I smiled on my Nancy' ‘twas I broke your heart' 所以我微笑着对我的南希说,“我让你伤心了吧(哦,亲爱的南希,我还没死,我就站在你面前)!" In your fathers garden' that day we did part (你要是不敢相信,那么我说给你听:)那一天,我们是在你父亲的花园分开的······ And this is the truth' and the truth I declare' 我所说的全是事实(我对天发誓) Oh here’s your love token the gold ring I wear. (快看吧,快看)这金戒子是你给我的定情信物,在我手上戴着呢!(我要娶你,我的真爱,你的披风绿得那么悦目。)