Still #独立电子乐 Indietronica#

Still #独立电子乐 Indietronica#

2016-07-24    02'31''

主播: 人民公园北门

288 6

Still -JJ I got summer on my mind, 我把夏日印入脑海 nowhere else though 尽管没有别处 lord take me downtown or to you 主带我走向繁华抑或走向你 people show me love but I can't take it 世人都在奉献着爱而我却总是与之无缘 what I said was true 我所言分毫不假 real pain, can't fake it 真真切切的痛苦,如何伪装 still they wanna be with me 依然如此,世人欲与我同在 still they wanna leave with me 依然如此,世人皆眷顾着我 still they wanna feel like me 依然如此,世人仍然向往我 still I can't believe it's me 依然如此,我不能相信这是我自己 time you spend on me 那些你用在我身上的时光 I spend mine on being free,on a flight to NYC 我却想着如何优哉游哉地飞去纽约 I see you when you see me 我看着你,你也看着我 I wonder why, why you have to lie 我讶异,讶异于你的谎言 when you've seen me cry 当你看过我哭泣 when you've seen me shy 当你看过我羞涩 when you've seen me high 当你看过我狂欢 when you will see me die 当你要看到我死去 where we from, you don't know 你不知道我们从何而来 you will know where we will go 你会知道我们去往何方 yeah I'm here, where are you? 耶,我就在这里,你在何处 there's nothing you can't do 你无所不能 we up in here with one thing on our mind, let's leave with something 我们在一起,共执同一念,就让我们悉心照料一样东西 then we play still dre, my way, all day, in beats by dre 我们还在成天播放着Mr.Dre ,用我自己的方式,用 Beats By Dre(由歌手Dr. Dre创立的Monster多媒体视听附属公司,专业视听产品中最平易近人的品牌之一) then we go and get buzzed, get drunk, get crunk, get fucked up 就让我们耳鬓厮磨,酩酊大醉,彻夜狂欢 I am S/Y, no lie, at least you get to witness 我是S/Y(我不知道S/Y是什么),没开玩笑,你会见证 kill so many songs, you'd think I have a hitlist 扼杀如此之多的歌曲,你也相信我有一份黑名单? that's Drake, well we love young money bizniz 那是Drake,我们热爱着充满年轻的金钱气息的Bizniz cause we're young and we get money 那是因为我们年轻而拜金