Forever Drunk  #独立流行 Indie Pop#

Forever Drunk #独立流行 Indie Pop#

2016-09-19    05'04''

主播: 人民公园北门

423 10

Forever Drunk -Miss Li I am stumblin' out of bed 我跌跌撞撞地爬下床 With an aching head 头疼的要命 Hip hurray's and yesterdays 昨夜的狂欢 Seem so far away 好像是很久以前的事 I've been wasting my time 我一直在浪费时间 Trying hard to ease the troubles of mine 想要借酒消愁 Yes I've been wasting my time 是的,我一直在浪费生命 All those lonely nights 那些孤独的夜晚 Sun goes up and sun goes down 太阳升又落 I can't feel the beat and I can't hear the sound 我感觉不到它的节奏,听不到它的声音 Round an round all this killing time 一天又一天啊,我荒废的时光 No I just can't stay forever drunk 不能!我不能再这样醉醺醺 Mirror mirror on the wall 墙上的镜子告诉我 Where did the good times go 大好时光去哪了 Mirror mirror I don't know 镜子镜子我不懂 What I'm living for 活着到底为什么 So many nights 无数个深夜 Stumblin' home like a lost little child 宿醉之后爬回家,像个迷路的小孩儿 So many days 无数个白天 Curtains keeping the light away 窗帘遮住了阳光 Sun goes up and sun goes down 太阳升又落 I can't feel the beat and I can't hear the sound 我感觉不到它的节奏,听不到它的声音 Round and round allthis killing time 一天又一天啊,我荒废的时光 No I just can't stay forever drunk 不能!我不能再这样醉醺醺 When I was seventeen 17 我十七岁的时候 My heart was pure and my heart was all clean 内心纯洁又干净 But at twenty-three 可到了二十三 I knew nothing's what it seems 我发现这世界上没什么是真的! life ain't a dream 生活不是在做梦! Sun goes up and sun goes down 太阳升又落 I can't feel the beat and I can't hear the sound 我感觉不到它的节奏,听不到它的声音 Round and round all this killing time 一天又一天啊,我荒废的时光 No I just can't stay forever drunk 不能!我不能再这样醉醺醺