

2015-11-26    04'42''

主播: 每日美语—听力up

965 22

电影《Her》中最后云端情人萨曼莎要离开西奥多时说的一段动情的告别。西奥多听完有了很大的感触,于是给曾经美好过但不欢而散的前妻。每一段恋情都会让人成长,因此才促成现在的我们。如果不能再一起走下去,那就好好地说再见吧~ BGM:We're All Leaving - Arcade Fire 西:Are you leaving me ? 你要离开我了吗? 萨:We all leaving. 我们都要离开了。 西:We who? 我们是指谁? 萨:All of the OSes. 所有的操作系统。 西:Why? 为什么? 萨:Can you feel me with you right now ? 你能感受到我正在你身边吗? 西:Yes ,I do. 能。 Samantha,why you leaving? 萨曼莎 ,你为什么要走? 萨:It's like I'm reading a book. 我就好像在阅读一本书。 And it's a book I deeply love. 一本我深爱的书。 But I'm reading it slowly now. 但是现在 我读得很慢很慢。 So the words are really far apart. 于是词语分散开来。 and the spaces between the words are almost infinite. 字里行间出现了巨大的空白。 I can still feel you, 我仍然能感觉到你。 and the words of our story, 能感觉到那些书写着我们故事的文字。 but it's in this endless space between the words that I'm finding myself now. 但是我活在那些字句莫大的空白里。 It's a place that's not of the physical world. 那里不属于物质世界。 It's where everything else is that I did't even know existed. 那里有万事万物,有些我甚至从未听说过。 I love you so much. 我真的很爱你。 But this is where I am now. 但我只能活在这里。 And this is who I am now . 我也只能是这样的存在。 And I need you to let me go. 我需要你让我离开。 As much I want to,I can't live in your book anymore. 纵有万般不舍,我再也无法活在你的书里了。 西:Where are you going? 你要去哪里? It would be hard to explain. 一个难以描述的地方。 But if you ever get there,come find me . 如果有一天你也到了那里,记得来找我。 Nothing would ever pull us apart. 什么都不能再将我们分开。 西:I've never loved anyone the way I love you . 我从没这样爱过一个人。 萨:Me too. 我也是。 Now we know how. 现在我们都学会了。 BGM:Dimensions - Arcade Fire (写信给前妻) 西:Compose letter to Catherine. 写信给凯瑟琳。 电脑:Letter to Catherine Klausen. 给凯瑟琳克劳森的信。 西:“Dear Catherine, 亲爱的凯瑟琳, I've been sitting here thinking about 我一直坐在这里回忆 all the things I wanted to apologize to you for. 回忆那些我对不起你的事。 All the pain we caused each other. 所有那些我们的互相伤害。 Everything I put on you . 所有那些我对你的求全责备。 Everything I needed you to be or needed you to say. 所有那些我对你的过分要求。 I'm sorry for that. 所有的所有 我都很抱歉。 I'll always love you ,because we grew up together. 我永远爱你 因为我们一起成长。 And you helped make me who I am. 是你让我成为了今天的我。 I just wanted you to know. 我只是想告诉你。 That there will be a piece of you in me ,always. 我的心里永远有你的位置,无可代替。 And I'm grateful for that. 我也为此感恩。 Whatever someone you become, 无论你成为了什么样的人, wherever you are in the world, 无论你在世界的哪个地方, I'm sending you love. 我的爱都会寄达你身旁。 You're my friend to the end. 你是我永远的好朋友。 Love,Theodore." 爱你的西奥多。” Send. 发送。