A Mother for Choco

A Mother for Choco

2017-05-24    04'41''

主播: Fantasy潘多斯

1020 14

A Mother for Choco 《秋秋找妈妈》        ————Keiko Kasza 推荐理由: 绘本《秋秋找妈妈》,这是一个充满温情和爱的故事,绘本让我们感受到妈妈和孩子之间的那种亲密的爱、感受到不是妈妈却胜似妈妈的那种“博爱”,还感受到弱小就在我们身边,同情他人、帮助他人的那种信念,以及感受到不畏艰辛坚持寻找妈妈的那种决心。   文本: Choco was a little bird who lived all alone. He wished he had a mother, but who could his mother be? One day he set off to find her. 秋秋是一只小鸟,过着孤单的生活。他好想有一个妈妈,可是谁能做他的妈妈呢?有一天,他出发去找妈妈。   First Choco met Mrs. Giraffe. “Oh, Mrs. Graffe!” he cried. “You are yellow just like me! Are you my mother?”  “I’m sorry,” sighed Mrs. Graffe. “But I don’t have wings like you.” 秋秋第一个遇到了长颈鹿太太。 “噢,长颈鹿太太!”他大声说,“你身上的黄颜色和我的一样!你是我的妈妈吗?” “真对不起,”长颈鹿太太叹了一口气,“可是我不像你那样长着一对翅膀呀。”   Next Choco met Mrs. Penguin. “Oh, Mrs. Penguin!” he cried. “You have wings just like me! Are you my mother?” “I’m sorry,” sighed Mrs. Penguin. “But I don’t have big, round cheeks like you.” 接下来,秋秋遇到了企鹅太太。 “噢,企鹅太太!”他大声说,“你和我一样有翅膀!你是我的妈妈吗?” “真对不起,”企鹅太太叹了一口气,“可是我不像你那样长着胖嘟嘟的脸蛋呀。”   Then Choco met Mrs. Walrus. “Oh, Mrs. Walrus!” he cried. “You have big round cheeks just like me. Are you my mother?” “Now, look,” grumped Mrs. Walrus. “I don’t have striped feet like you, so don’t bother me!” 后来,秋秋遇到了海象太太。 “噢,海象太太!”他大声说,“你和我一样有胖嘟嘟的脸蛋!你是我的妈妈吗?” “哼,你看,”海象太太不耐烦的嘟囔着,“我可不像你那样长着有条纹的脚,别烦我啦!”   No matter where Choco searched, he couldn’t find a mother who looked just like him. 无论秋秋走到哪里,他都找不到一个跟自己一样的妈妈。         When Choco saw Mrs. Bear picking apples, he knew she couldn’t be his mother, he knew she couldn’t be his mother. Mrs. Bear didn’t look like him at all. 当秋秋看到正在摘苹果的 熊太太的时候,他知道她一定不是他的妈妈。熊太太长的跟他一点都不像。 Choco was so sad he started to cry. “Mommy, mommy! I need a mommy!”  Mrs. Bear came running to see what was the matter. As she listened to Choco’s story, she sighed. “Oh, dear. If you had a mommy, what would she do?” 秋秋伤心极了,他开始哭起来:“妈妈,妈妈!我要一个妈妈!” 熊太太赶忙跑过来,想看看到底发生了什么事情。听了秋秋的故事,她叹了一口气:“噢,亲爱的,如果你有一个妈妈,她能为你做什么呢?”     “Oh, I’m sure she would hold me,” sobbed Choco. “Like this?” asked Mrs. Bear. And she held Choco very tight. “嗯,我肯定他会抱抱我。”秋秋抽泣着说。 “就像这样吗?”熊太太问。她把秋秋紧紧地搂在怀里。   “Yes…and I’m sure she would kiss me,  too!” said Choco. “Like this?” asked Mrs. Bear. And she lifted Choco and gave him a big kiss. “对……我肯定她还会亲我一下!”秋秋说。 “就像这样吗?”熊太太问。她把秋秋举起来,响响地亲了他一下。   “Yes, and I’m sure she would sing and dance with me to cheer me up,” said Choco. “Like this?” asked Mrs. Bear. And they sang and danced together. “对……我肯定她会和我一起唱歌跳舞,让我开心!”秋秋说。 “就像这样吗?”熊太太问。于是他们在一起又唱又跳。   When they stopped to rest, Mrs. Bear turned to Choco and said, “Choco, maybe I could be yourr mother.” “You?” Choco cried. 休息的时候,熊太太转过身来看着秋秋,她说:“秋秋,也许我可以做你的妈妈哦。” “你?”秋秋叫起来。 “But you aren’t yellow. And you don’t have wings, or big, round cheeks, or striped feet like me!” “My goodness!” said Mrs. Bear. “That would make me look very funny!” Choco thought it was funny, too. “可是你的毛不是黄色的。你也没有长着像我这样的翅膀,胖嘟嘟的脸蛋和有条纹的脚!” “我的天啊!”熊太太说,“那会让我看上去很好笑哦!” 秋秋也觉得那个样子很好笑。   “Well,” said Mrs. Bear, “my other children are waiting for me at home. Why don’t you join us for apple pie, Choco?” Apple pie sounded wonderful to Choco, so off they went. “好吧,”熊太太说,“我的那些孩子在家等我呢。我们一起去吃苹果派,好吗,秋秋?” 秋秋觉得苹果派听上去好馋人啊,于是他们就出发了。   When they arrived, Mrs. Bear’s other children rushed out to greet her. “Choco,” said Mrs. Bear. “Meet Hippy, Ally, and Piggy. I am their mother, too!” 他们刚走到熊太太家的门口,熊太太的孩子们就都跑出来迎接她了。 “秋秋,”熊太太说,“这是荷马、小鄂和胖胖,我也是他们的妈妈呢!”   The sweet smell of apple pie and and the sound of laughter soon filled Mrs. Bear’s  home. 苹果派甜甜的香味和孩子们快乐的笑声洋溢在熊太太的家里。   After their delicious treat, Mrs. Bear gave all her children a bid, warm bear hug. And Choco was very happy that their new mommy looked just the way she did. 享受完美味的点心,熊太太给她所有的孩子们一个大大的、暖暖的、紧紧的拥抱。 秋秋觉得非常幸福,因为他的新妈妈长的得就像他自己的样子。