

2018-06-23    01'01''

主播: 孤岛调频

4197 24

墨汁写的字, 有时要被雨水侵蚀, 只有心版上的笔痕, 再也抹它不去。 Those written words in black scratchings, Are already washed off by the water or rain; But the unwritten words in the heart, that clings, Can ne&`&er be washed off though rubbed in pain〔1〕. 〔1〕The meaning of this song goes against arranged marriages bound by contracts and agreements. ---------------------------------- 没有人敢妄称自己参透了爱情的真谛, 我们能做的只是倾听; 嘉乐邀请你, 倾听仓央嘉措最美的情诗。