【Chitchat闲聊-3】世界杯32强口号-Bus Slogans for 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil

【Chitchat闲聊-3】世界杯32强口号-Bus Slogans for 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil

2014-06-23    14'52''

主播: Liya的英语小屋

24235 31

足球世界杯32强各队官方口号原文版及中、英语翻译——Here, taking a look at all the official football slogans for each team going in the 2014 FIFA World Cup: Group A: Brazil: (Translation: “Brace yourselves! The 6th is coming!”)—— 注意了!第六次来了! Brazil has won 5 world cup championships up tp now. 5次分别是 1958年瑞典世界杯 1962年智利世界杯 1970墨西哥世界杯 1994年美国世界杯 2002年韩日世界 Cameroon: “A lion remains a Lion”—— 雄狮就是雄狮 Croatia: “With fire in our hearts, for Croatia all as one!”)—— 心中有火焰,全克罗地亚如一人! Mexico: Always united, Always aztecas!”)—— 永远团结,永远的阿兹台克! Aztecs is a member of a Mexican Indian who estabilshed a great empire centred on the valley of Mexico. In brief, they are the ancestors of Mexicans. Group B: Spain: “Inside our hearts, the passion of a champion.”—— 内心深处,是冠军的激情! Spain is the defending world champion, Spain must have let its hundreds of millions fans down, as the dominant global football power for the past six years, it was unfortuanteltly eliminated from World Cup contention with a 2-0 loss to Chile. Netherlands: “Real men wear orange.”)—— 真正的男人穿橙色! They wear orange shirts. Chile: “¡Chi, Chi, Chi, Le, Le, Le! ¡viva Chile!” (Translation: “CHI CHI CHI!, LE LE LE! Go Chile.”)——智!智!智!利!利!利!智利加油! Chile is the team that has sent the defending champion Spain back home. Australia: Soccerroos: Hopping our way into history!—— 袋鼠军团,让我们跳入史册! Socceroos is a word combied by soccer and kangroo. Group C: Colombia: “Here travels a nation, not just a team!”)—— 行进中的是一个国家,不只是一支球队! Greece: Heroes play like the Greeks!”—— 英雄都像希腊人那样踢球! Cote Divore Ivory Coast: “Elephants charging towards Brazil!”)—— 象群,向巴西进发! Japan: “サムライよ!! “Samurai, the time has come to fight!”)—— 武士们,战斗时刻到了! Group D: Uruguay: Three million dreams … Let’s go Uruguay!”)—— 三百万人的梦想,乌拉圭向前! Costa Rica: “My passion is football, my strength is my people, my pride is Costa Rica.”—— 我的激情来自足球,我的力量来自人民,我的荣耀是哥斯达黎加! Costa Rica is another dark horse of this years Fifa wc, IT amazingly defeated Italy 1-0 during the group stage. England: “The dream of one team, the heartbeat of millions.”—— 一支球队的梦想,数百万人的心动! Uruguay wins 2-1 over England in World Cup Group D Italy: “Let’s paint the FIFA World Cup dream blue!”)—— 让我们把世界杯的梦想涂成蓝色! Their shirts are blue. Group E: Switzerland: “Final Stop: 07-13-14 Maracana!”)—— 此车最后一站:2014年7月13日的马拉卡纳! Maracana is where the final for championship goanna be held. Ecuador: “One commitment, One passion, Only one heart, This is for you Ecuador!”)—— 专注、激情、用心,为了厄瓜多尔! France: “Impossible is not a French word.”)—— “不可能”不是一个法国词儿 Honduras: “We are one country, one nation, five stars on the heart.”)—— 一个国家,一个民族,心中五颗星。 Group F: Argentina: “Not just a team, we are a country.”)—— 不只是一支球队,我们是一个国家 Miracles can always happen for Argentina, cause they have Messi. Bosnia and Herzegovina: “Dragons in heart, Dragons on the field!”)—— 心中有龙,场上是龙! Team with the longest name. Iran: “Honour of Persia”)—— 波斯的荣耀 Their performance is quite eyecatching in the game with Italy. Nigeria: “Only together we can win.”—— 团结才能赢 Group G: Germany: “One Nation, One Team, One Dream!”)—— 一个国家,一支球队,一个梦想! The most likely winner. Portugal: “The past is history. The future is victory.”)—— 过去已是历史,未来就是胜利! Ghana: “Black Stars: Here To Illuminate Brazil.”—— 黑星照亮巴西 USA: “United by team, Driven by passion!”—— 团结携手,激情向前! Group H: Belgium: “Expect the impossible!”)—— 期待不可能! Algeria: “Desert Warriors in Brazil!”)—— 沙漠勇士在巴西! Russia: “No one can catch us.”)—— 没人能拦住我们! Korea Republic: “Enjoy it, Reds!”)—— 享受吧,红魔!