【中英双语朗诵】我就是我 I am Me (有文稿)

【中英双语朗诵】我就是我 I am Me (有文稿)

2019-01-10    05'41''

主播: 平安喜乐_666❤️

462 1

我就是我 I am Me --作者:Virginia Satir
--翻译:孙雪菲 I am Me. In all the world,  there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it I own everything about me: my body, my feelings, my mouth,  my voice, all my actions,  whether they be to others or myself. I own my fantasies, my dreams,  my hopes, my fears, my triumphs and successes,  all my failures and mistakes. Because I own all of me,  I can become intimately acquainted with me. By so doing,  I can love me  and be friendly with all my parts. I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me,  and other aspects that I do not know,  but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to find out more about me. However I look and sound,  whatever I say and do,  and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically me.  If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting,  I can discard that which is unfitting,  keep the rest,  and invent something new for that which I discarded. I can see, hear, feel, think, say,and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive,  and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me,  and therefore,  I can engineer me. I am me, and I am Okay. 我就是我, 在这世界上,我绝无二至, 我的存在就是全部的真实, 这是我笃定的选择。 我悦纳关乎我的一切, 我身,我情,我口, 我声,我之所为, 无论对人对己。 我悦纳, 我之憧憬,我之美梦, 我之热望,我之忧惧, 胜利和成功属于我 , 挫败和失误出于我。 因悦纳我之全部, 我与自己亲密无间, 如此, 我将悦纳我身, 善待每寸肌骨。 我知,我心常如困兽犹斗, 我亦知,我身常陷一无所知, 但唯有深深悦纳自己,一如既往, 我终将无畏, 静待茅塞顿开, 静待自我明鉴。 无论我所见所听, 无论我所述所行, 更无论 我所想所感,彼时彼刻, 乃真我本色。 若我所看所听所想, 不再恰如其分, 我也能取其精华, 去其糟粕,推陈出新。 我, 去审视,去倾听,去感受, 去思索,去言语,去行动。 我会生存,善相处, 敢创造,有作为, 因我之存在,诸事皆顺,万物井然, 我悦纳自己,故我能驾驭自己, 我就是我,所以—— 我自在而为。 关于作者: 维琴尼亚·萨提亚(Virginia Satir,1916-1988)是美国最具影响力的首席治疗大师,被美国著名的《人类行为杂志》(Human Behavior)誉为“每个人的家庭治疗大师”。她一生致力于探索人与人之间,以及人类本质上的各种问题,她所创建的理论体系,萨提亚模式,又叫联合家庭治疗,是一种心理治疗的新方法,是从家庭、社会等系统方面着手,更全面地处理个人身上所背负的问题。萨提亚建立的心理治疗方法,最大特点是着重提高个人的自尊、改善沟通及帮助人活得更“人性化”而不只求消除“症状”,治疗的最终目标是个人达致“身心整合,内外一致”。 关于译者: 孙雪菲,心理专家,职场教练。澳洲昆士兰大学MBA,中科院心理研究所博士在读。集管理学和心理学双学位的理论背景为专业积淀,融丰富的职场阅历与深刻的生活感悟于行动指南,致力于成为最贴近职场人士的心灵行伴。 文字转载自公众号:雪菲 公众号简介:高管教练/心理咨询师/专栏作者  BGM:犬夜叉钢琴配曲《To Love’s end》