If the people loved you,it's only because they didn't know the real you!

If the people loved you,it's only because they didn't know the real you!

2014-11-09    10'42''

主播: 对白人生

4966 200

-Penguin2:Progress report. It's an older code Skipper, I can't make it out. code: 密码 进度报告,这是个老式的密码,船长,我无法破译。 -Penguin1:You, higher mammal. Can you read? mammal: 哺乳动物 你,高等动物。你识字吗? -Monkey:No, Phil can read though. Phil! 不识,不过Phil可以,Phil! -Monkey:Ship to Kenya. Wildlife preserve Africa! 运往非洲肯尼亚野生动物保护区! -Penguin1:Africa. That ain't gonna fly. Rico! 非洲,那就逃不了,Rico! -Alex:I was the star in the greatest city on earth! 我是地球上最大城市的明星! -Gloria:Guys,listen. 伙计们,听着。 -Alex:A King loved by my people! 被人们爱戴的国王。 -Gloria:Let's just be simple! 不要再吵了好不好! -Alex:And you ruined everything! ruin: 毁灭 你把所有的事都给毁了! -Marty:Love? If the people loved you,it's only because they didn't know the real you! 爱?如果人们爱你。那只是因为他们不了解真正的你! -Gloria:Don't make me come up there, I'd get the whoop on both of you! whoop: 大喊 不要逼我上来,不然我会给你们两个好看! -Alex:I thought I knew the real you! 我本以为我真的了解你! -Gloria:Let's talk about this calm! 冷静点好不好! -Alex:You black-and-white stripes,they cancel each other out,you’re nothing! 你这黑白条家伙,黑白相互抵消,你什么也不是!