Just smile and wave,Boys,smile and wave

Just smile and wave,Boys,smile and wave

2014-11-09    07'39''

主播: 对白人生

4895 151

-Penguin1:Just smile and wave, boys.Smile and wave. Kowalski, target report. target: 目标 只要微笑,挥手就行了,孩子们,微笑,挥手。Kowalski,汇报战况。 -Penguin2:We're only 500 feet from the main zoo line. 我们离公园主干线还有500英尺。 -Penguin1:And the bad news? 有什么坏消息吗? -Penguin2:We've broken our last shovel. shovel: 铲子 我们的最后一把铲子坏了。 -Penguin1:Right. Rico, you're on lead of patrol. We need shovels and five more popsickle sticks. patrol: 巡逻 popsickle stick: 冰棒棍 好的,Rico,你负责巡逻。我们需要铲子,还要五个冰棒棍。 We don't want to rescue another cadet. rescue: 营救 cadet: 军官 我们可不想再营救一个家伙了。 -Penguin3:And me, Skipper? 我呢,船长? -Penguin1:I want you to look cute and cuddly, private. Today we're gonna blow this dam. cuddly: 逗人喜爱的 dam: 水坝 我要你装的可爱点,二等兵。今天我们要离开这水坝。 -Marty:Yeah! You don't see that on animal planet! Well show's over, falks!, Thanks for coming! 耶!你在动物世界里可没看过这样的表演吧?表演结束了,伙计们!谢谢光临! I hope you thought it was fresh!, I'll be here all week. 希望你们觉得这个表演很新鲜,我会整个礼拜都在这儿。 In fact I'll be here for my whole life 365 days a year,including Christmas, Hanaka, Helloween! 实际上,我一生中每一年365天我都在。包括圣诞节,光明节,万圣节。 Please don't forget to never stay on a pet. And tip your cabman, cause he’s broke. pet: 宠物 cabman: 出租车司机 请别忘了,别老和宠物待一起。要给出租车司机小费,他没钱花了。 -Penguin1:You, quadropaint.Sprecken Sie English? 你,黑白的家伙,懂英语吗? -Marty:I sprecken.. 我会。 -Penguin1:What continent is this? continent: 洲 这是什么洲? -Marty:Manhattan. 曼哈顿。 -Penguin1:Hoover-Damn! We're still in New York. Abort! Dive, dive, dive! Abort! 妈的!我们还在纽约Abort,跳,跳,跳! -Marty:Hey! You on the docks! Wait a minute! What are you guys doing? dock: 码头 嘿!传万里赴的家伙!等一下,你们在干什么? -Penguin3:We're digging to Antarctica. 我们在挖地道去南极洲。 -Marty:Anhootica? 南哪个极? -Penguin1:Can you keep a secret, my monochromatic friend? 你能不能保守秘密,我的斑纹朋友? Do you ever see any penguins, running free around New York city? 你在纽约见过企鹅大摇大摆地在街上走吗? -Penguin1:Of course not. We don't belong here, it's just not natural. 当然没有,我们不属于这里,这是不符合自然规律的。 This is all some kind of wackdown conspiracy. We're going to the wide open spaces ofAntarctica. To the wild! wack: 怪人 conspiracy: 阴谋 这就像是酒后的阴谋。我们正在前往自由的南极洲野生世界。野生世界! -Marty:The wild? You could actually go there? It sounds great. 野生世界?你们真的可以到那儿去?听起来好棒啊。 -Marty:Hey! Hold up!Where is this place? Tell me where it is! 嘿,等一下,这个地方在哪儿?告诉我在哪儿。 -Penguin1:You didn't see anything. Right? 你什么也没看见。对吗? -Marty:Yes, sir. Sorry. No, sir. 是的,长官!对不起,没有看见,长官!