Skipper, don't you think we should tell them that the boat's out of gas

Skipper, don't you think we should tell them that the boat's out of gas

2014-11-09    16'17''

主播: 对白人生

21389 281

-Marty:Well, what do you guys think?Shall we head back to New York? 你们接下去想怎么样?我们是不是该回纽约了? -Alex:I don't know, Marty.I mean this is your dream. You're sure you wanna leave? 我也不知道,Marty,我是说,这儿是你的梦想。你确定要走? -Marty:I don't care where we are. As long as we're together,it doesn't matter to me. 到哪儿我都无所谓。只要我们在一起就行,其它的我无所谓。 -Alex:Well, in that case. Yo, Rico! I'll take three hundred orders! To go! 那好,你,Rico!我要订三百份,外带! -Julian:Yes, yes. But before you leave,I have an announcement to make. So shut up everyone please. Thank you. announcement: 宣告 好,好。不过在你们走之前,我有件事要宣布。请大家安静!谢谢。 After much profound, brain things inside my head, I have decided to thank you forbringing peace to our home. 在我的深思熟虑之后,我决定要感谢你们给我们带来了和平。 And to make you feel good, I'm gonna give you this lovely party gift. 作为感谢,我要把这个可爱的礼物送给你 -Alex:No, I couldn't. Really I can't take your crown. 不,我不能要,真的,我不能要你的皇冠。 -Julian:That's okay, I've got a bigger, crown. It's got a gecko on it. Look at them shake! gecko: 壁虎 没什么,我有个更大的,上面还有个壁虎呢。看看他们抖的! -Alex:Bye, little fuzz buggots! buggot: 小东西 再见,毛绒的小东西! -Gloria:Thanks for everything! 谢谢你的款待。 -Marty:Okay, bye-bye now. 好的,再见。 -Julian:Bye-bye! See you later, crocodiles. Maurice, my arm has died, wave it for me. Faster, you nodding it like a monkey. crocodile: 鳄鱼 再见!再见!鳄鱼!Maurice,我的手都快断了,给我挥手。快一点,你怎么象只猴子一样。 -Alex:You know, by the time we get back to New York, it's gonna be the middle of the winter.So I was just thinking, why rush? 等我们到纽约的时候,大概已经是冬天了,所以我想,何必那么匆忙呢? Maybe we could make a, few side stops along the way? 也许我们可以沿途停一停, -Marty:Maybe Paris? 也许去巴黎? -Gloria:You just read my mind! 你和我想的一样! -Alex:Let's think, Spain. 再想想,西班牙。 -Gloria:What about Fiji? 斐济怎么样? -Melman:Cool! Canada, can we? Cheap meds. 酷!加拿大,可以吗?那儿药便宜! -Alex:You know, I wouldn't mind coming back here for a visit sometime. 也许什么时候,我还会回来看看。 -Marty:Yeah, I Can do that. 是啊,我也可以 -Gloria: You Can say That again. 我同意! -Penguin2:Skipper, don't you think we should tell them that the boat's out of gas? 船长,我们是不是应该告诉他们,船上油已经不够了? -Penguin1:Na, just smile and wave boys,smile and wave. 不要,只要微笑,挥手,孩子们,微笑,挥手。