

2014-04-11    02'58''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

7531 142

南非“刀锋战士”奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯日前因枪杀女友案出庭受审。昔日的残奥冠军在法庭上讲述案发经过时失声痛哭。来听听法庭上的原音重现吧。 (I got to the entrance of the bathroom) at the end of the passage where I stopped screaming. I wasn’t sure if someone was going to come out and point a firearm in my house and start shooting. So I just stayed where I was and kept on screaming and then I heard a noise from inside the toilet, but I perceived to be somebody coming out of the toilet. Before I knew it I’d fired four shots at the door. My ears were ringing. I couldn’t hear anything. So I shouted for Reeva to find the police. I think it was at that point, my lady, that it first dawned upon me that it could be Reeva inside the bathroom or the toilet. I jumped out the other side of the bed and ran my hand along the curtain to see she wasn’t hiding behind the curtain. I fought around and made my way back up the passage, and selected my firearm in front of me. At this point, I was mixed emotions, I didn’t want to believe it could be Reeva inside the toilet and I was still scared somebody could come and attack me or us. I was screaming and shouting the whole time and crying out. I don’t think I’ve ever screamed like that or cried like that. I was crying for the Lord to help me, I was crying out for Reeva. I was screaming. What I wanted to do is just come into the toilet over the middle part of the door. Whilst I lent in over the partition to get in, I saw the key. So I took it and unlocked the door. I flung the door and I sat over Reeva and I cried. And I don’t know how long... she wasn’t breathing.