

2014-05-25    09'37''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

24014 705

AND ALL THAT JAZZ David wanted to do a degree in finance, learn about economics, stock markets and all that jazz I am really into sports, sports of all kinds! tennis, basketball, soccer and all that jazz Jeff is over weight because he eats too much junk food, KFC Mcdonalds and all that jazz. MEANING: The meaning of the American phrase "and all that jazz" is basically the same as the Latin phrase et cetera and used at the end of the listing of a series to indicate that there are more related items that are not specifically listed. The phrase is often used in a dismissive manner to indicate that what follows is unimportant or silly in nature. TOOT YOUR OWN HORN / BLOW YOUR OWN TRUMPET Tim doesn't like to blow his own trumpet, but he is actually an exceptional pianist. I don't like to play doubles tennis with paul because he always likes to blow his own trumpet after a game. Tommy never blows his own trumpet, which lead me to only finding out he is a professional painter after knowing him for 8 years. MEANING: If someone blows their own trumpet, they boast about their talents and achievements. CHANGE YOUR TUNE Sally will change her tune about starting a family after she finds out how expensive it is. John was a very confident basketball player, but he changed his tune after our one on one. Iva Hardy changed her tune about studying law after she saw how difficult the bar exam is. MEANING: If someone changes their ideas or the way they talk about them, they change their tune. to change your opinion completely, especially because you know it will bring you an advantage: to alter one's attitude or tone of speech