

2014-06-20    02'53''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

11898 274

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry calls for the world's awareness on the health of the ocean and a global strategy to save the planet's life-sustaining seas. He makes the remarks at the "Our Ocean" Conference, which is the first of its kind held by the U.S. State Department. "Over the next two days, let's put our heads together and work on a plan for how we can preserve fish stocks, manage coastlines, and protect ecosystems, a way for us to try to preserve fisheries, a way for us to come to a common understanding of our common interests and find a consensus that we could take to the UN." John Kerry describes the protection of the world's oceans as a vital security issue for everyone, every nation. The top U.S. diplomat stresses that nations have to come together around a single comprehensive, global ocean strategy so that people can meet this challenge and save the deteriorating blue ocean. Heads of governments, as well as ministers from some 80 countries, gathered with researchers and experts from the oceanic related industries in Washington D.C. Liu Cigui, head of China's State Oceanic Administration is also in attendance and joins the panel discussion on the ocean health and science. Liu says China has around three-million square kilometers of sea area and to build a powerful marine nation has been a goal of the central government. The blue economy has been seen as a new source of the country's economic growth. The administrator says, in addition to the traditional industries such as fishing, breeding and shipbuilding, China is moving in the direction of more modern developments. "The development and utilization of China's marine resources will transfer to the high-end manufacturing and modern service industries. We also have the potential of developing the marine biology and marine pharmaceutical industries." According to Liu, China and the U.S. worked closely in the field for the past decade. The two sides collaborated on many aspects, including ocean monitoring, disaster reduction and prevention, and research data sharing. During the two-day meeting, China is looking to step up cooperation with the U.S. and other nations and will share its experiences in protecting the marine environment as well. Recently, China's view on the ocean has been under the spotlight worldwide. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is going to visit Greece later this week to attend a China-Greece Maritime Cooperation Forum. There, he is due to elaborate on China's stand in this field. Liu Cigui reveals that more marinetime cooperation agreements between China and Greece are expected to be signed by then.