【访谈】Peter Hessler:一个中国人不了解的中国

【访谈】Peter Hessler:一个中国人不了解的中国

2014-10-09    23'47''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

31195 1010

更多访谈内容请关注我们明天(10.10)的微信:搜索英语环球 NEWSPlus 从《寻路中国》、《江城》到《奇石——来自东西方的报道》,何伟的作品,俨然已经成为外国人写中国的纪实标杆之作。媒体评价他的作品说:“他笔下的是真中国,是连一些生活在中国的青年人都不知道或拒绝认识的中国”。 Among foreign writers who write about stories in China, Peter Hessler definitely stands out because of his various observed accounts of ordinary people in a rapidly changing Chinese society. The American writer and journalist has several acclaimed books about China, and numerous articles he contributed to The New Yorker and National Geographic, among other publications. And now he has his newest book, Strange Stones, translated into Chinese and published. Peter Hessler knew he was going to be a writer when he was 16. He joined the Peace Corps in 1996 and was sent to China to teach English at a teachers college in Fuling, a small city near the Yangtze River in Sichuan Province. He wrote the stories and observation on China into first book called River Town. Peter worked in China as freelance writer for numerous publications later, and began his writer's career.