

2014-12-12    01'04''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多详情,请关注我们今天(12.12)的微信:搜索英语环球 NEWSPlus Men's tennis world number one Novak Djokovic will reveal "never before told" stories about his life in a short documentary series in partnership with Australian winery Jacob's Creek. The 27-year-oldtennis star says that the biggest fight he had in his life was actually the "fight within". He made the remarks in a short trailer released recently for the videos called "Made By". He added that the mini-documentary has given him the opportunity to tell the world his story for the first time, showing what he has been shaped and inspired by. The video will be released in next month. “Never before told” stories 从未讲过的故事 引号中的部分作为定语出现,语序与一般习惯有所出入,before提前。”never before told” stories = “never told” stories = stories that have never been told (before) Novak Djokovic 德约科维奇,现排名世界第一的男子网球运动员 in partnership with… 与…合作 例句:Lady Gaga has released a new album in partnership with the music legend Tony Bennett. (嘎嘎小姐与音乐界的传奇前辈托尼•班奈特合作推出了一张新专辑。) Jacob’s Creek 杰卡斯,澳大利亚著名葡萄酒品牌 the fight within 内心的挣扎 例句:I may look calm on the outside, but you can’t imagine the fight within. (我表面上似乎很冷静,但你无法想象我内心的挣扎。) trailer 影视节目的预告片