

2014-12-19    01'26''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

4473 329

A video of a kitty has gone viral on YouTube for two years. The cat is known as Grumpy Cat and was named after its seemingly unhappy facial expression. Within the last two years, Grumpy Cat became the model for stuffed animals and commercials. There is also a bestselling book based on the cat's life. To date, the grumpy feline has earned more than 6 million pounds, roughly 10 million US dollars for its caretaker; and the number is still growing. Its owner, Tabatha Bundesen, says that the two-year-old kitty's financial steps are unstoppable. The cat's real name is Tardar Sauce. It looks grumpy because of diseases that halted its bone development. Last month, the cat starred in its first film, "Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever". go viral vi.(在网上)病毒式传播,后面通常接on the Internet、online或具体的网站名。 facial expression n. 表情 expression本身就已经有“表情”之意,之所以要加上facial(脸部的),是因为expression还可以表示某人说的话,不加定语容易搞混。 对比如下: Her expression says it all. (可能是:她的表情说明了一切。也可能是:她的用词说明了一切。) Her facial expression says it all. (她的表情说明了一切。) grumpy adj. 坏脾气的,性情乖戾的 stuffed animal n. 填充式动物玩具 to date 迄今,到目前为止 同义短语还包括to this (very) day、so far、up to now等等,可灵活选择,不必总用同一种表达方式。 feline n. 猫科动物 adj. 猫科的 对应的单词canine表示犬科动物或犬科的 halt v. & n. 停止 与stop类似,halt既可当动词(包括及物和不及物),也可当名词。 例句: 及物动词:The government is trying hard to halt the economic downturn. (政府在努力遏制经济下滑。) 不及物动词:Upon hearing the scream, everybody halted. (听到尖叫的那一刻,大家都停下了脚步。) 名词:The vehicle came to a grinding halt after the driver realized something was terribly wrong. (在司机意识到出了大事后,那辆车终于停了下来。)