

2015-01-07    01'31''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus China will severely punish businesses using poppy capsules as food additives after a series of scandals. Several state departments will jointly hold a comprehensive field inspection over food producers, dealers and suppliers of poppy capsules, taking a "zero tolerance" policy to any violations. Food and drug administrations will focus on inspecting restaurants, especially hot pot restaurants and snack bars, punishing all violations if poppy capsules are found. Police will inspect market places, condiment wholesale and retail markets, and traditional Chinese medicine stores that supply and use poppy capsules. The authorities urged police nationwide to search and find out the sources of the poppy capsules and set up systems to connect tip-offs and reward whistleblowers. Crime cases will be publicized. poppy capsule n. 罂粟壳 罂粟壳中的生物碱虽然含量较少,但对于普通人来说,长期食用容易成瘾。长期食用含有罂粟壳的食物,还会对人体神经系统造成损害,并可能造成慢性中毒。 food additive n. 食品添加剂 我国于2009年发布《食品中可能违法添加的非食用物质和易滥用的食品添加剂名单》,当中就有罂粟壳,并标注了可能添加的主要食品类别:火锅、火锅底料及小吃类。此外罂粟壳还有可能用于卤味制品和饮料等。 field inspection n. 现场检验,实地考察 zero tolerance policy n. 零容忍政策 zero tolerance的概念起源于美国,最初是在20世纪80年代控制毒品犯罪的活动中提出来的,随后被引入学校。1989年,为防止毒品和暴力进入校园,加利福尼亚州的学校首先实施“零容忍政策”,持有毒品和参与帮派活动的学生一律毫不留情地被开除。该概念现已泛化,可用在各个领域,比如本条新闻所涉及的用罂粟壳作食品添加剂的行为。 hot pot restaurant n. 火锅店 snack bar n. 小吃店 这是固定用法,此处的bar和酒吧没有关系。 condiment n. 调味品,佐料 wholesale/retail market n. 批发、零售市场 traditional Chinese medicine n. 中药,简称TCM tip-off n. 告密,爆料 whistleblower n. 告密者,揭发者