

2015-01-14    01'26''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

3496 298

Chinese badminton superstar Lin Dan has said that he aims to win a third straight Olympic title in the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil. Lin says he hopes to win the third Olympic gold medal in Rio de Janeiro, which can show children around the world how one can realize his or her dream through hard work and endeavor. The 31-year-oldworld champion made the remarks at a ceremony held to announce his endorsement with sports gear manufacturer Yonex. Lin and Yonex both refused to give details about the deal, although there have been rumors that it will run through to 2025 and is worth 100 million yuan, around 16 million US dollars. One of China's best known athletes, Lin has won two Olympic singles titles and five World Championships gold medals to his name. win a third straight Olympic title 连续第三次获得奥运冠军 Olympic也可换成其他词,如world,表示连续第三次获得世界冠军 Rio de Janeiro n. 里约热内卢,巴西第二大城,仅次于圣保罗。2016年夏季奥运会举办地,简称Rio(里约)。 endeavor n. & v. 努力,尝试 相对而言名词的使用率更高一些。 例句: Good luck in your future endeavors! (祝你今后事业顺利!) As the old saying goes, customer is king. We certainly endeavor to make all our customers satisfied. (就像那句老话所说,顾客是上帝。我们当然尽力让所有的顾客都感到满意。) endorsement n. 代言项目 Yonex n. 尤尼克斯,著名的羽毛球拍专业制造商,羽毛球拍影响力牢牢占据世界第一的位置。也生产网球拍,但知名度相对低一些。 singles n. 单打 这是固定用法,s不可缺少,如singles player/match/title/champion等等。同理,双打是doubles,如doubles player/match/title/champion等等。 World Championships 世界锦标赛(不限于羽毛球,可以是游泳、田径等等) to one’s name 在某人名下,通常指取得的成就或拥有的财产。 例句: I can’t believe he’s got 10 million dollars to his name. He’s just a 10-year-old kid, for crying out loud! (我无法相信他已经拥有一千万美元的财产。他仅仅是个十岁的孩子啊!) She has all these awards to her name, but she keeps saying her biggest achievement in life is being a great mom. (她获奖无数,但她总说,她最大的成就是当一名好妈妈。)