

2015-01-17    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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详细内容请关注周六微信,或登录以下网址: This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news. Scholars in Singapore say it is possible for China to tread a path different from those taken in the past by Britain or the United States, because the idea of peaceful, open and inclusive development it advocates make sense in the current world. A renowned scholar on China studies, Zheng Yongnian, says that each of the rising powers in the past advocated different concepts and ideas that answered the need of their respective times. Zheng made the remarks in recent comments published in Lianhe Zaobao newspaper. Literally meaning "United Morning Paper", Lianhe Zaobao is the largest Singapore-based Chinese-language newspaper with a daily circulation of around 176,000. The scholar said that China "will not, and cannot take the paths that had been taken by Britain and the United States in the past"; and "it has to take a new path to rise". While the media and some scholars in western countries have viewed China's rise with suspicion, Chinese leaders have said that it is not in China's genes to seek hegemony, even after its peaceful rise. Deborah Elms, executive director of Singapore-based think tank Asian Trade Center, has similar views. She said that regional integration is also a process of economies integrating into a world of supply chains. This is NEWS Plus Special English. China's deep-sea manned submarine Jiaolong collected a perfect "chimney vent" on the seabed of the southwestern Indian Ocean. "Chimney vent" is also known as hydrothermal sulfide. It is a kind of seabed deposit containing copper, zinc and precious metal such as gold and silver. Those kinds of metal formed sulfide after chemical reaction and came to rest in the seabed in so called "chimney vents". With several mussels and spiral shells living on it, the "chimney vent" that the submarine collected was around 40 centimeters high and 15 centimeters wide. Scientists are excited about the find saying it is a perfect chimney vent for biologists, with lots of microorganisms integrated within it. The study of microorganisms is the basis of researching ecosystem in hydrothermal areas, as microorganisms are nutrition resources of more advanced organisms. This "chimney vent" is very important for studying organisms in hydrothermal areas, which live in a completely dark world with rank poison, high-temperature and high-pressure. The special genes of these organisms have great economic and scientific value. The submarine, Jiaolong, was named after a mythical dragon. It is on a 120-day expedition in the southwest Indian Ocean. It has planned to conduct 20 dives during the four-month period to research polymetallic sulfide, biological diversity, hydrothermal microbes and genetic resources in the area. This is NEWS Plus Special English. Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi sold 61 million smartphones last year, up more than 200 percent year on year. Total sales revenue with tax reached 74 billion yuan, roughly 12 billion U.S. dollars, more than doubled the figure of 2013. Sales of the brand expanded to six countries and regions over the past year, including Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. The company was valued at 45 billion U.S. dollars in the new round of financing in late December. The announcement comes as the company released its new modelx Redmi 2 recently for almost 700 yuan, considerably cheaper than its other models. Xiaomi, which means "millet" in Chinese, was founded in April 2010. Xiaomi's first smartphone debuted on August 16, 2011. You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. When he enrolled at the University of Science and Technology of China in 1990, Liu Qingfeng's only expectation was to learn how to repair televisions. He certainly did not expect to become a billionaire executive of a listed company: China's very own Steve Jobs. Liu's company iFLYTEK, China's equivalent of the voice technology company Nuance, is known for its voice technology products, including Voice Touch, a competitor of Apple's Siri system. The application translates Chinese spoken words into text, allowing users to send messages, call friends and post on social media platforms. Liu's company holds around a 70 percent market share in China and is used by Chinese messaging services including Tencent QQ and Sina Weibo, as well as having a firm footing in the overseas markets. Liu said that Apple outperforms its peers with touch screen experience; and he can be the best in voice technology. The company's combined valuation surpassed 21 billion yuan, roughly 3.4 billion U.S. dollars as of Monday, with Liu holding an almost 9 percent stake in the firm, trailing its largest shareholder China Mobile, the country's top telecommunications operator. At the dawn of his career, Liu admitted, he preferred talking to machines than to people.