【Love & War】埃及版罗密欧与朱丽叶来中国啦(有文稿)

【Love & War】埃及版罗密欧与朱丽叶来中国啦(有文稿)

2015-01-20    05'03''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

6773 248

更多信息请关注我们的微信内容:搜索英语环球 NEWSPlus Two princesses of belligerent countries, a common sweetheart-a crucial choice has to be made in ancient east Africa. When a love story is set against the background of war, there&`&s always massive dramatic conflict to be expected. Verdi&`&s music bestowed it some more power and without doubt, guaranteed its brilliance. Director Francesco Micheli explains why Aida is a good choice to celebrate Italian operas. "Aida is the opera, the biggest opera. It tells that in all space and all times, the best solution against war is love. It&`&s the best media for opera beginners, because opera is huge, with musicians, dancers, signers, actors, set, costumes, etc. And all the elements in Aida are huge. The stage of NCPA will be transformed into a huge desert. So sure if you watch Aida, if you listen to Aida, it will be like a little monster arriving against you but with big pleasure. The melody is also marvelous. For example, when the Egyptian people arrive after the war, triumphing, the music is vocalizing. It&`&s magic music." The tune that the director was vocalizing was the Grand March, played by a powerful orchestra in the second act, when general Radames leads the Egyptian soldiers upon their return following their victory over the Ethiopians. Joyful warriors hold a parade on Triumph Square. It has become one of the most often played triumphant marches ever around the world. Aida has been put on stage in China both in theaters and in outdoor stadiums several times. Among the highlights this time will be He Hui starring as the title role. The 42-year-old soprano is one of the few Chinese to be top billed on the world stage, hailed by European critics to be "the best Aida we have for our time". New York Times once commented: He Hui has a plush, vibrant voice with steely power when called for. Her singing combined musical refinement with impetuous temperament&`&. He Hui elaborates her connection with the character. "As we all know, Aida is a princess, disguised as a slave, actually a hostage living in her enemy country. My own nature resembles that of Aida&`&s very much, singing operas in foreign countries during the past decade. Many sopranos find the aria &`&O patria Mia&`& very demanding. But I enjoy it because when I sing it I was really thinking of China. Now I&`&m back in China and very proud to stand on my own land interpreting the role. It&`&s a meaningful event." Conductor Zubin Mehta handpicked He Hui to join the cast. The maestro will hold the baton for NCPA&`&s production of Aida himself. He Hui explains. "As early as in 2001, after we collaborated on Aida during Florence May Festival&`&s opening performance of Aida, Maestro Mehta mentioned to me this future production at NCPA. I have been looking forward to this collaboration ever since." Aida will meet Beijing audiences from January 24th until February 1st. Tenor Jorge De Len will be cast as Aida&`&s lover Radames, with mezzo-soprano Marina Prudenskaya as Aida&`&s bitter rival, Amneris. In another cast, Italian soprano Susanna Branchini, one of the three most famous tenors in China Dai Yuqiang and mezzo-soprano Yang Guang will play Aida, Radames and Amneris respectively. Oscar award winning costume-designing team will also join the crew. A standing ovation is to be expected.