

2015-01-29    01'11''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们 NEWSPlusTaiwan superstar Jay Chou has married his girlfriend of four years with a wedding bash in the English countryside.Chou and model Hannah Quinlivan exchanged vows at the Selby Abbey in the UK, a day before his 36th birthday.The wedding was a relatively low-key affair with their parents and around 50 family members and friends.Chou spared no expense for his big day, with a 20-member live orchestra as the couple walked down the aisle, playing music he composed especially for the occasion.Chou and Quinlivan will reportedly hold another wedding celebration in Taiwan in March, and one more in Australia, where Quinlivan's parents live.bash n. 盛会,庆祝仪式Hannah Quinlivan 昆凌,知名演员、模特,中澳韩混血儿(父亲是澳洲人,所以昆凌有Quinlivan这样看起来纯外国人的姓)。2015年1月17日与周杰伦在英国举办婚礼。Selby Abbey 塞尔比教堂,位于英国北约克郡。low-key adj. 低调的spare no expense 不惜工本,不惜费用,不计代价 另一个类似的短语是spare no effort,表示“不遗余力”,在英语新闻(尤其是涉及政府的新闻)里的出现频率极高。例句:The team has spared no expense in hiring the best players they can possibly get. Obviously they are aiming for the Olympic glory down the road. (这支队伍不计代价招来了他们能找到的最好的选手。很显然,他们的目标是在奥运会上取得辉煌成绩。)The government has spared no effort to help people whose homes were destroyed in the earthquake. (政府不遗余力地对在地震中失去家园的人提供帮助。)live orchestra n. 现场演奏的管弦乐队walk down the aisle 在教堂举行婚礼时,新娘穿着白色婚纱,随着结婚进行曲从入口沿着走道一直走到主持婚礼的牧师面前,这个过程就是walk down the aisle。周杰伦和昆凌的确是在教堂里举行婚礼的,所以这里的walk down the aisle就按字面意思理解。不过,这个短语更多时候泛指结婚,类似于tie the knot。例句:Just because you are approaching 40, it doesn’t mean that you should be in a hurry to walk down the aisle/tie the knot. George Clooney didn’t get married until he was in his 50s, and he’s doing just fine. (虽然你已年近四十,但这并不意味着你得急于结婚。乔治•克鲁尼五十多岁才结婚,现在可滋润呢。)