

2015-02-07    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

9550 449

详细内容请关注周六微信,或登录以下网址: This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has pledged to create at least 10 million jobs this year by maintaining economic growth at medium-to-high speed through stable macroeconomic policies. Li said job creation remains the most important index in drafting China's target for economic growth, which many experts believe will slow further this year to around 7 percent from 7.4 percent. Li made the pledge at a meeting with economic experts and corporate leaders from burgeoning industries such as the Internet and information technology, as well as industries with overcapacity. The meeting was held to gauge opinions on the government's policies and its Annual Work Report this year. Li said China is expecting a new urban labor force of more than 16 million this year and a rural labor force of 6 million, meaning the government has to create at least 10 million new jobs this year. China created 13 million new urban jobs last year, with both the registered and surveyed unemployment rates lower than in 2013. Li said rural residents, who make up around two-thirds of the population, earn more than half of their annual income from part-time jobs in cities. This has made job creation, especially for these residents, so important. This is NEWS Plus Special English. A total of 106 official vehicles expropriated by the Chinese central government have been auctioned for a combined 6.6 million yuan. That's around 1 million U.S. dollars, amid enthusiastic bidding. With multiple bidding rounds for many items and strong applauses given to winners, Sunday's total hammer price was up 2.7 million yuan, or 71 percent, from the pre-sale estimate. A Toyata salon car estimated at 90,000 yuan was sold for 210,000 yuan, the top price at the auction. These official cars were among more than 3,000 that were taken out of service as part of reform measures that began last July to slash spending in this area. Zonto, a Beijing-based auction house, was among three auction houses that won the right to hold auctions of impounded official vehicles. Preview exhibitions were held two days before the auction, complete with every item's estimated price, vehicle type, date of registration, mileage and condition, a transparency level rare for second-hand vehicle sales. Information concerning the auction and all its items was also made public via the house's website. The bidders included individuals as well as second-hand vehicle trading agents, and all deals were finalized on site. The money raised at such auctions goes to the central treasury. This is NEWS Plus Special English. China has expanded its program to attract overseas talent by adding 55 introduction plans to the latest brain gain list. Overseas personnel introduced by the plans will enjoy preferential policies in visa applications, residence permits, settling in China as well as exit and entry convenience equal to members of the influential "Thousand Talent" program initiated in 2008. Human resources officials say the lower threshold for talent expands the scope of talent visas, which gained legal status in 2012. Previously China introduced very few overseas experts, as the threshold was high and the exit and entry rules were strict. More overseas personnel have come to China thanks to the talent introduction programs. Since 2008, the "Thousand Talent" program has introduced more than 4,000 overseas staff, with local governments attracting more than 30,000. By the end of 2013, more than 1.4 million overseas Chinese students had returned to China, with returnees in 2013 five times the number in 2008. Rules on foreigners' permanent residence in China are in the pipeline and expected to take effect before the end of the year, which will further highlight preferential policies. You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Egyptian experts say the way the braided beard of Egyptian artifact masterpiece King Tutankhamun's mask was glued back on lacks scientific standards. Although King Tut's beard broke off and glued back on in August last year, the issue has been the talk of the hour recently, as the job does not seem to have been perfectly. The joint between the beard and the mask is a little wider than before and tiny traces of glue can be seen if compared to previous photos of the 3,000-year-old golden mask. Zahi Hawass, world-renowned Egyptologist and former antiquities minister of Egype, says it is a disaster and everyone involved must be questioned, lamenting that the way this rare masterpiece was treated shows backwardness in the field. Hawass says a repairer cannot be left to work on his own, and the process is supposed to be closely and attentively supervised by specialists and archeologists. He argues that it was "completely random work" and is calling for immediate investigation into the issue. King Tutankhamun's burial mask was separated from the braided beard when the young king's almost intact tomb was discovered by British archeologists Howard Carter and George Herbert along with a legendary trove of funerary objects in 1922.