

2015-02-06    01'59''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今天的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus South Korean Olympic swimming star and national icon Park Tae-Hwan is fighting to clear his name as he reeled from the shock news that he failed a doping test. The four-time Olympic medalist blamed an injection given by a hospital for the result, the second high-profile Asian swimming case in recent months after China's Sun Yang. Park's agency has warned the hospital with legal action over the case, which could end in a ban for the swimmer with the world championships approaching in Kazan, Russia, in July. Park has struggled to repeat the form of the 2008 Olympics, when he won freestyle gold and silver, and he was unable to win a title at his home Asian Games in September. Park Tae-Hwan 朴泰桓 韩国游泳运动员,在中长距离自由泳项目上打破了欧美和澳大利亚选手的垄断。获2007年和2011年世界游泳锦标赛男子400米自由泳金牌,2008年北京奥运会男子400米自由泳金牌。亚洲首位男子自由泳项目上的奥运会、世锦赛双料冠军。 clear one’s name v. 证明某人清白,还某人一个公道 例句: He was convicted of manslaughter five years ago and has been trying to clear his name ever since. (五年前他被判过失杀人罪名成立,从此之后就一直在努力证明自己的清白。) reel from… v. 遭受…的打击,受…的不良影响 例句: Heavy industry continued to reel from aftershocks of a disastrous year. (重工业在遭受灾年重创后依然摇摆不前。) doping test n. 药检 injection n. 注射,打针 warn … with legal action over… 警告某某就某事采取法律行动 例句: Big names in the music industry always warn download websites with legal action over leaked albums. In comparison, unknown artists rarely do that, because they actually prefer to get their names out there. (大牌歌手总是警告各式各样的下载网站,会就提前泄露的专辑采取法律行动。相比之下,默默无闻的艺人就很少会这么做,因为他们还巴不得借此打响自己的知名度。) World Championships n. 世界锦标赛 因为上下文的关系,很显然此处的世锦赛指的是游泳世锦赛,而不是田径、球类或其他同样知名的世锦赛。游泳世锦赛的全称为FINA World Championships。FINA是法语,对应的英文是International Swimming Federation,国际游泳联合会。 Kazan n. 喀山,俄罗斯联邦鞑靼自治共和国首府,位于伏尔加河中游左岸。“喀山”在鞑靼语中为“锅”的意思,因城市地处洼地,形似铁锅而得名。2015年世界游泳锦标赛将于7月19日至8月4日在此举行。 form n. 状态 这个词在一般情况下是shape的同义词,即“形状”,但在讲到体育方面的话题时,form特指状态,而shape指体型。所以如果说某人keep/repeat one’s form,是指他/她保持状态,说某人keep one’s shape,则是指他/她保持体型。