

2015-02-27    02'24''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

16295 770

更多内容请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus The Art Institute of Chicago in the United States will launch Mandarin-Chinese audio guides to help tourists navigate the Institute. The inspiration for the guides came from the Institute's desire to become more accessible to both Chinese living in Chicago and Chinese tourists from China. David Thurm, chief operating officer of the Institute, and his team developed Spanish and French audio guides, and they knew they also wanted to develop an audio guide for Chinese visitors. The Art Institute has recently made strides to increase its collection of Chinese artifacts. Last November, the Institute hired Tao Wang, a well-known Chinese-born art scholar, and appointed him new director of the Department of Asian Art, and curator of Chinese Art. Wang is an internationally-recognized scholar and plans to expand both the museum's Chinese art collection and promote its recognition in China. The Art Institute of Chicago n. 芝加哥艺术学院 美国顶尖的艺术教育机构之一,由博物馆和学校两部分组成。其博物馆以收藏大量印象派作品以及美国艺术品著称,如莫奈、修拉、梵高、爱德华•霍普等人的作品。其学院则旨在培养视觉艺术人才,曾就学的有华尔特•迪士尼、乔治亚•欧姬芙等。 Mandarin-Chinese n. 普通话 一般只需说Mandarin即可。加上Chinese,是为了让完全没有概念的人一下子就知道Mandarin是中文的一种具体形式。 accessible adj. 易接近的,可理解的,易使用的 后面大多跟介词to,但不绝对。 例句: The legal aid system should be more accessible to people who cannot get legal help otherwise. That’s the whole point, don’t you think? (法律援助体系应该更多面向那些没有其他办法去得到法律帮助的人。这正是这个体系的意义所在,不是吗?) I will do everything I can to make this opera more exciting and accessible for young people. (我会尽我所能,让这出歌剧对年轻人来说更精彩、更接地气一些。) make strides v. 取得进步 可加入big/great/huge之类的形容词表示取得长足、重大的进步,类似于make big/great/huge progress 例句: China has made great strides in science and technology since the country adopted the policy of reform and opening up in the late 1970s. (自从中国七十年代末实行改革开放政策以来,已在科学技术领域取得长足进步。 curator n. (博物馆或美术馆的)馆长,负责人