

2015-03-27    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

15820 734

更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus This is NEWS Plus Special English. I&`&m Liu Yan in Beijing. Here is the news. American scholar Roy Morrison was confident and predicted as early as ten years ago that China would lead the way toward sustainability. Morrison&`&s fiction-like book entitled "Eco Civilization 2140: A Twenty-Second-Century History and Survivor&`&s Journal", was published in 2005. He wrote in the book "&`&The East is Green&`&, and China leads the way toward sustainability". Two years into his prediction, China declared its drive to build ecological civilization in 2007, and in the following years, China enhanced the effort to transform the economy and society to be more sustainable. In a recent interview with the Chinese media, Morrison insisted "China can make big decisions, and do big things". And earlier this month, the Chinese government reiterated its emphasis on ecological civilization construction during the top legislative session in Beijing. It has vowed to further reduce carbon emission, fight against pollution, improve the eco-system, and preserve natural resources. This is NEWS Plus Special English. Alibaba founder Jack Ma says "only through the way &`&clicks&`& and &`&mortor&`& work together can the internet companies survive and live happily for the next 30 years." Ma made the remarks when delivering a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of CeBit, the world&`&s top trade fair for information and communication technology. Ma noted while the internet industry was successful, very few internet companies could survive peacefully and healthily more than 3 years after its coming into being in the past 20 years. He said people have to find the solution as to how their companies can live long and healthy like Citibank and Siemens. Ma also said it was not the technology, but the dreams behind the technology that changed the world. Ma himself used to be an English teacher from Hangzhou in eastern China and knew little about computer and technology. Ma pointed out in the future world, business will not focus on size, standardization or power, but feasibility, nimbleness, customization and user-friendliness. In his speech, Ma highlighted the importance of female leaders, saying in the future, people will not only focus on the muscles and powers, but also on wisdom and responsibility. This is NEWS Plus Special English. It seems speaking Mandarin is becoming more important for foreign reporters working in China, especially those attending a recent news conference with Premier Li Keqiang. Seven foreign journalists got the opportunity to question Li. Five of them, including reporters from the Financial Times, Bloomberg and Korean Broadcasting System, asked in Chinese. After hearing a question from the Financial Times about Chinese people buying houses in key cities around the world, Premier Li praised the reporter&`&s fluent Mandarin, and asked whether he had bought houses in China. Foreign reporters who cannot speak Chinese well, or at least understand the basics, could lose opportunities. For example, when the co-host of the news conference designated a reporter from Spain for a question, it seemed the journalist did not get it. After a long pause, an Austrian reporter grabbed the microphone and asked a question before the Spanish journalist stood up. Speaking Chinese is not easy for some foreign journalists. It was tough, even awkward, for a South Korean reporter who raised a question about the Chinese economy. He had to stop several times to consult his notebook while asking a question in Mandarin. You&`&re listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I&`&m Liu Yan in Beijing. You can access the program by logging onto NEWSPlusRadio.cn. You can also find us on our Apple Podcast. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know by e-mailing us at mansuyingyu@cri.com.cn. That&`&s mansuyingyu@cri.com.cn. Now the news continues...