

2015-04-15    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

8123 367

更详细内容和文稿请关注我们今天的微信推送:搜索英语环球 NEWSPlus It has been a decade since China received the last batch of food aid from the United Nations World Food Program and began to play an increasingly bigger role in making donations to the world&`&s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. Last year, the Chinese government pledged 6 million U.S. dollars to assist 1.3 million people impacted by the Ebola virus outbreak in most-affected countries in West Africa. That made China one of the leading donors for the WFP operation. So how has China successfully shifted its role from a WFP recipient to a donor? And through what way can China contribute more to those in need? Ni Hao, you&`&re listening to People In the Know, presenting you with insights into the headlines in China, and around the world, I&`&m Zheng Chenguang in Beijing. First, People in the Know&`&s Tu Yun speaks to Trevor Page, WFP&`&s Representative in China between 1986 and 1990. For a further look at how China has been doing in providing assistance to others, Tu Yun speaks to Brett Rierson, the incumbent WFP&`&s China Representative.