

2015-04-20    01'43''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

7640 441

更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus China has launched a nationwide campaign against surrogate pregnancy. The campaign started this month and will run to the end of the year. Surrogate motherhood is banned in China. The campaign will focus on identifying and punishing medical personnel and intermediary agencies that are involved in the surrogate motherhood business. Online, TV, radio and print media that carry surrogacy advertisements will also be checked. The authorities will step up supervision over the sale and circulation of assisted reproductive technology, drugs and medical equipment. Despite the ban in China, the wombs-for-rent business has thrived. Studies show that an estimated one in eight couples have fertility problems. China&`&s health authorities say cracking down on illegal surrogacy is a long-term task, and the campaign will continue until it is effectively controlled. They have set up a special hotline: 12356. People can provide information on any medical personnel, intermediary, media organization or individual involved in the illegal practice.