

2015-05-10    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing. Here is the news. China's National Copyright Administration has issued a regulation against news-story copyright infringement. The administration has urged Internet media to acquire authorization and pay before posting reports produced by print media. Under the regulation, any form of republishing of news stories containing the original producers' creative work on the Internet is illegal unless the users obtain the permit from the original copyright holders. Factual news without creative efforts from original producers is not included in the protection against online piracy. The original producer's name and affiliated media organization should be clearly displayed on reposted news. Re-posters should avoid misinterpretation of the headlines and content of the original stories if modifying them. The regulation was drafted based on China's Copyright Law. Any violation against it will be subject to administrative penalties from the National Copyright Administration, and fines will be imposed as well. The National Copyright Administration urged print and digital media to establish content-sharing agreements while specifying detailed procedures for legally reposting published news stories. The regulation provides a timely guideline for news production and republishing against the backdrop of the increasing use of new media, including Internet portals, social media and mobile news applications. This is NEWS Plus Special English. The Chinese Society of Education has signed cooperation contracts with the American Montessori Society, in hopes of promoting the development of Montessori education in China. The education method, named after Italian educator and physician Maria Montessori, features independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child's natural development. The American Montessori Society has been advocating this educational method in schools of the United States since 1960s. Montessori education has been used in Chinese schools for a period of time and is no stranger to Chinese teachers and parents. However, a lack of uniform standards has hindered the international educational idea from further development in China. By cooperating with the American Montessori Society, the Chinese Society of Education will work to set up a standardized system, set up Montessori schools and train Montessori teachers. Meanwhile, the Chinese Society of Education will make efforts to combine the international teaching concept with specific education conditions in China, by learning from the American Montessori Society' experiences in localizing Montessori education. This is NEWS Plus Special English. An education report says the structure of migrant families is more likely to cause juvenile crimes. The report says there are important links between family factors and juvenile crime. Bad family structure, improper family education, and a poor family economic and cultural environment are the key factors causing delinquent minors. The report was released by the 21st Century Education Research Institute. It found that 90 percent of juvenile criminals are school dropouts and children of migrant workers. The report analyzed China's education reform last year, including migrant children's education, admission reform in elementary and middle schools, reform of the national college entrance exam, as well as new policies to improve vocational education. China's rapid economic development has attracted many rural laborers to work in cities. Under the household registration system, children from migrant families are not allowed to attend public high schools in cities. Many of them have to separate from their parents and stay at home for schooling. You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing. Beijing plans to build an industrial park in the city's outskirts in an attempt to boost its creative industries. The "China Creative City" is to be set up in Yizhuang Economic and Technology Development Zone in southeastern Beijing. The zone is aimed at helping creative start-ups with research and development before their products enter mass production. The municipal authorities said creative industries refer to economic activities concerning the exploitation of knowledge and information, which includes film, music, advertising, and software. With an investment of more than 5 billion yuan, roughly 820 million U.S. dollars, it will help generate some 10,000 jobs in the area. The 130,000-square-meter park is expected to be completed in three years. Beijing is stepping up development efforts for the creative industry. It plans to build 20 such industrial parks by 2020, with added values accounting for at least 15 percent of the city's gross domestic product.