

2015-05-16    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus This is NEWS Plus Special English. I&`&m Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news. Shanghai has banned close family members of senior officials from running business. According to a new regulation issued by the party committee of Shanghai, spouses of the city&`&s leading officials are not allowed to run companies or do business, nor can their children or the spouses of their children do business in the city. The ban also applies to senior officials including heads of city departments, district and county governments, courts, the public security bureau and state-owned companies. The officials must hand in reports on the jobs of their spouses and children, and publicize this information inside the party. Punishment will be given to those who fail to comply. Family members who are already engaged in business must quit, or the officials will be removed from their posts. China has been making efforts to institutionalize its anti-graft drive. In March, top legislator Zhang Dejiang said the country was planning national legislation to fight corruption. The new law is expected to set clear codes of conduct for Chinese officials to prevent them from becoming corrupt. Legal experts say Shanghai&`&s regulations may be a stepping stone for such bans nationwide. This is NEWS Plus Special English. The international police agency Interpol says it is important for countries to work cooperatively to fight crime such as corruption, because crime does not respect borders. Interpol&`&s National Central Bureau of China has released a list of 100 people wanted for corruption. The move is part of "Sky Net", a Chinese campaign to repatriate corruption suspects and also a strong signal of China&`&s endeavor to fight corruption via global cooperation. James Anderson, assistant director for Anti-corruption and Financial Crime at Interpol, says law enforcement agencies should work closely because the world is more connected today. He says everything is interconnected through the Internet, so it&`&s very important for law enforcement to stay connected. He also stressed that it is important for all members of the international police agency to form strong networks because criminals are not restricted by boundaries. Talking about difficulties in the international law enforcement cooperation system, Anderson said that besides language barriers, different legal structures in different countries also prove to be a tricky problem. Anderson also mentioned that China and Interpol worked closely on various financial crime operations and intelligence exchanges, saying that Interpol hopes to further that cooperation in the anti-corruption program. This is NEWS Plus Special English. The China pavilion has opened to the public at the world expo, with a duration of six months in Milan, Italy. It&`&s China&`&s first self-built overseas Expo pavilion and also the second largest foreign one after Germany&`&s at Expo Milano 2015. Themed "Land of Hope, Food for Life", the pavilion will exhibit China&`&s agricultural history, food culture and its future expectations for the world. Outside the rippling-wheat-shaped building of the China Pavilion, Chinese and Italian guests attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony over the weekend. The guests then visited the pavilion, passing the "Field of Hope", which consists of some 20,000 shining artificial straws of wheat. The other two Chinese exhibitors at the Expo are the China Corporate United Pavilion and Vanke Pavilion. The China Pavilion covers an area of 4,600 square meters. When combined with the other two, the three pavilions make China number one in exhibition scale. Expo Milano is a new registered international exposition after the 2010 Shanghai Expo. Around 150 countries and international organizations have confirmed their participation. You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I&`&m Mark Griffiths in Beijing. The World Health Organization has approved an Ebola test reagent developed by a Shanghai firm. The real-time diagnostic kit has been developed by Shanghai ZJ Bio-Tech. It has been listed as eligible for procurement by the World Health Organization and recommended to be used to diagnose Ebola worldwide. The World Health Organization has so far approved three kits, with the other two being manufactured by developers in the United States and Germany. Last November, the China Food and Drug Administration approved the test reagent. The Shanghai ZJ Bio-Tech Company is a high-tech enterprise which focuses on developing, manufacturing and selling gene diagnostic reagents. Their products have been sold in more than 70 countries and regions worldwide. This is NEWS Plus Special English. China has issued a circular to enhance the country&`&s management of vaccines and vaccination. The circular was released by the National Health and Family Planning Commission and says a full record of the supply of vaccines, check results and their temperatures in delivery and storage should be established and kept for two years after the vaccines have expired. The document also calls for objective content in the publicity of vaccinations, banning information that indicates the manufacturer and distributors of the vaccines. It also banned the content comparing the safety of different vaccines as well as disseminating products that are not vaccines, including therapeutic biological products. Treating therapeutic biological products as vaccines and promoting them is not allowed. This is NEWS Plus Special English.