

2015-06-05    01'01''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

3540 361

请关注今天的微信头条查看全部文稿内容:搜索英语环球NEWSPlus Importation of fine arts will be made easier in the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. According to a statement from the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau in Shanghai, importers in the Free Trade Zone will no longer need the compulsory certificate to import works listed in the catalogue. China is the world&`&s second largest art market with a trading volume of more than 6 billion U.S. dollars last year. Many imported art works have found themselves stranded at customs for having no certificate. The certificate is a compulsory safety mark for many items imported, sold or used in China. importation n. 进口,进口货 跟import是同义词 Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone n. 上海自由贸易试验区 简称上海自由贸易区或上海自贸区,是设于上海市的一个自由贸易区,也是中国大陆境内第一个自由贸易区。2013年8月,国务院正式批准设立上海自由贸易试验区。该试验区成立时,以上海外高桥保税区为核心,辅之以机场保税区和洋山港临港新城,成为中国经济新的试验田,实行政府职能转变、金融制度、贸易服务、外商投资和税收政策等多项改革措施,并大力推动上海市转口、离岸业务的发展。 Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau n. 出入境检验检疫局 为国家进行出入境检验检疫工作的部门。职责是对出入境的货物、人员、交通工具、集装箱、行李邮包携带物等进行包括卫生检疫、动植物检疫、商品检验等的检查,以保障人员、动植物安全卫生和商品的质量。本文中涉及的是上海出入境检查检疫局。 compulsory adj. 强制的,必须的 compulsory经常跟education搭配,表示“义务教育”。中国有九年制义务教育一说,翻译成英文便是nine-year compulsory education。 strand vt. 使滞留,使搁浅 该词在主动语态和被动语态的句子里都经常出现。本文的用法是被动语态(art works have found themselves stranded at customs for having no certificate),是因为没有必要强调这些艺术品被哪位具体的操作人员滞留了,重点在于这些艺术品确实被滞留了。 例句: The storm has stranded at least 100 climbers. (暴风雨困住了至少一百名登山者。) I always take my Kindle when I travel. That way, even if I’m stranded at the airport, I won’t be bored out of my mind, and I won’t have to keep looking at my phone either. (我旅行的时候总会带上Kindle。这样一来,即使我被滞留在机场,我也不会百无聊赖,而且不用成天盯着手机。) safety mark n. 安全标志