【英音】微信诈骗盯上古董发烧友 (有文稿)

【英音】微信诈骗盯上古董发烧友 (有文稿)

2015-06-10    00'49''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

3023 281

请关注今天的微信第二条 查看全部文稿内容:搜索英语环球NEWSPlus Four people have been arrested in East China's Jiangxi province for alleged fraud conducted via the mobile messaging app WeChat. Local police said the suspects first joined WeChat groups for antique aficionados. Then the ringleader, surnamed Chen, advertised items for sale and asked friends to pose as buyers and leave positive comments. When contacted by potential buyers, Chen asked them to send money to his bank account. However, when he received the money, Chen blocked the buyers' WeChat accounts without shipping the items and disappeared. Police began investigating the scam ring in February. alleged adj. 涉嫌的 但凡涉及到犯罪嫌疑人,alleged或其对应副词形式allegedly一定会在报道里出现。按照法律程序来讲,只要尚未宣布终审结果,即使百分百确认的罪犯也只能称为alleged criminal,而不能直接说criminal。同理,该罪犯只是allegedly committed a crime,而非committed a crime。 aficionado n. 发烧友,狂热爱好者 aficionado可以算是fan的升级版。fan只是迷,不见得很懂;aficionado不但迷,还很懂,是该领域的专家。 例句: Macy is a true aficionado of the reality show The Biggest Loser. She seems to know everything about every contestant that ever appeared on the show, which is mind-boggling. (Macy是真人秀《超级减肥王》的发烧友。她似乎知道每一位参加过该节目的选手的所有资料,实在是不可思议。) ringleader n. (犯罪团伙的)头目 ship vt. 运输,运送,发送 ship作名词表示“船”,所以作动词也通常表示“船运”,但是不绝对。它现在已经泛指运送某物或某人,方式不限。 例句: We ship our products anywhere in the United States, and that includes Alaska and Hawaii. (我们运送产品到美国的任何地方,包括阿拉斯加和夏威夷。)