

2015-06-26    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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完整文稿看周六微信第三条,你懂的 This is NEWS Plus Special English. I&`&m Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news. The Chinese mainland will remove entry permit requirements for Taiwan residents, as top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng vowed to boost exchanges across the Taiwan Straits. Yu is chairman of the National Committee of China&`&s top advisory body, the Chinese People&`&s Political Consultative Conference. He announced the plan during a speech at the seventh Straits Forum, the largest annual event for cross-Straits exchanges, in the coastal city of Xiamen in the southeastern province of Fujian. Currently, Taiwan residents must apply for a visa-like entry permit in order to visit the mainland. The Taibaozheng, a passport-like document that carries the entry permits for Taiwan compatriots, will also be made into a card. The document also serves as identification during a Taiwan resident&`&s stay on the mainland. The plan to offer the permit-free policy was announced as Yu promised to create better conditions for cross-Straits exchanges. The official has vowed to continue to expand people-to-people exchanges across the Straits and engage more Taiwan compatriots in the trend of cross-Straits interaction. This is NEWS Plus Special English. Chinese airlines are cutting flights to South Korea as the outbreak of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome reduces travel demand to the country. Air China will cut the number of flights linking Beijing and Seoul to 21 a week from 24. The cut will be implemented on June 13 and last till the end of August. China Eastern Airlines cut the number of its Kunming to Seoul flights from five to two per week between June 15 and June 30. From July 1 to the end of August, there will be three flights a week. Other companies including China Southern Airlines, Shandong Airlines, Capital Airlines and budget carrier Spring Airlines have either cut or suspended flights to South Korea. South Korea surpassed Thailand and Japan to become the most favored destination for Chinese outbound tourists last year, with 6 million visitors. The Civil Aviation Administration of China has ordered airline companies to strengthen the education of crew members about the MERS virus and enhance disinfection after passengers disembark. Meanwhile, it requires airline companies to immediately report to local hygiene and quarantine authorities in case of suspected MERS cases. South Korea reported one more death last week, bringing the death toll to 15. The total number of people infected with the virus has increased to 145. This is NEWS Plus Special English. The Ministry of Education is planning to release the results of audits of university presidents&`& budgetary spending, in a move to make this process more transparent and efficient. The proposal applies to universities directly administered by the ministry, a group that includes prestigious Peking University and Tsinghua University, and to those administered by ministry organs. The education ministry says releasing the results is important in standardizing the exercise of university presidents&`& power. Last year, government spending on education accounted for more than 4 percent of GDP, which stood at 63 trillion yuan, roughly more than 10 trillion U.S. dollars. The ministry says efforts must be made to improve the efficiency of government investment in education and prevent misuse of these budgets. It proposed that an independent auditing agency be set up and that its remit should include overseeing major construction projects. You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I&`&m Mark Griffiths in Beijing. China overtakes Japan as Asia&`&s No 1 for the number of world-class universities. According to the Asia University Rankings published by the Times Higher Education Supplement, 21 universities from the Chinese mainland enter the top 100 of the rankings, up from 18 last year. Among them, Peking University takes fourth place and Tsinghua University fifth. China&`&s special administrative regions also do well. Six universities from Hong Kong and one from Macao were represented in the top 50, with two universities from Hong Kong being in the top 10. Although the University of Tokyo remains Asia&`&s No 1 institution, Japan has slipped to second place with 19 representatives in the prestigious top 100, down from 20 last year. The Asia rankings use 13 performance indicators to examine each university&`&s strengths against its core mission, including teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. Based in London in Great Britain, Times Higher Education Supplement is a weekly magazine that provides information about higher education. This is NEWS Plus Special English. An alliance has been launched in Beijing in an attempt to advance China&`&s strategic plan for innovation. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Alliance consists of 137 universities and 50 enterprises. Initiated by Tsinghua University, the alliance aims to build a platform for universities to share their experience in innovation and entrepreneurship, deepen educational reform and nurture students&`& innovative and entrepreneurial spirit. Tsinghua University announced its proposal for the alliance in April and was supported by many other schools and enterprises. A majority of the new alliance&`&s members are key educational institutions, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University in eastern China and Harbin Institute of Technology in northeast China. Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, one of the leaders in innovation and entrepreneurship education in China, began exploring this form of education in 1999. It selects 60 students each year for entrepreneurship training. Peking University has held an annual international contest since 2007 for applicants involved in nanotechnology and micro-technology. This is NEWS Plus Special English. China is planning to use its domestically-operated satellite na