

2015-07-07    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

2776 327

专家访谈77事变特别节目 On July 7th, 1937, the shelling by Japanese forces upon the city of Wanping, near the Marco Polo Bridge in the suburbs of Beijing, marked the start of a full-scale war between China and Japan. The ensuing eight years of bloody war inflicted a huge loss of both life and property on the Chinese nation, but ultimately saw Japan surrender to the allied forces. The war has been behind us for seven decades, but its impact is still being felt today, especially on today's China-Japan relations. So as we observe the 78th anniversary of the July 7th incident or Marco Polo Bridge incident, how do experts look back at this war? How can all parties to the war learn from this war and prevent this period of history from repeating itself?