

2015-07-27    02'50''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

1985 349

You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I&`&m Liu Yan in Beijing. Stepping on the gas and brake or holding the wheel to drive a car has become unnecessary in an ongoing project at Nankai University in Tianjin. Researchers have carried out an experiment, trying to control a car by the driver&`&s brain alone. Instead of the usual way of steering a car, the driver puts on equipment similar to headphones which collects brain signals, converts them to orders and sends them to the car. In a trial carried out on campus, under the system, the car moved straight forward, backward, stopped, got locked and unlocked. The system took the team two years to develop. But researchers said it will take longer to see the product on the market because the vehicle&`&s electric system needs to be improved. The researchers believe that the technology has a great potential. It makes it easier for people with disabilities to drive, and can greatly improve road safety because the vehicle will stop when the system learns that the driver is drunk, tired or sick.