

2015-07-31    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

28033 648

完整文稿看周日微信第三条,你懂的呦~ This is NEWS Plus Special English. I&`&m Liu Yan in Beijing. Here is the news. China will continue its focus on economic development and maintain the "medium to high growth rate" of its economy. China&`&s top leaders said at a meeting that the country is aiming for a development pattern of "higher quality, efficiency, equality and sustainability". A statement issued after the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee said high on the agenda is the discussion of the new Five-Year Plan of National Development for the period between 2016 and 2020. The statement said the next five years are a critical stage for building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects. The new Five-Year Plan, the 13th in a row, will focus on realizing this goal. The Political Bureau also announced that the Communist Party of China Central Committee will hold its fifth plenary session in Beijing in October. This is NEWS Plus Special English. A new regulation has made it more difficult for Chinese residents to travel to South Korea to obtain a driver&`&s license and then exchange it for a local equivalent. To get a driver&`&s license in South Korea is easier, cheaper and less time-consuming than getting one in Shanghai. Since the beginning of June, police have dismissed applications to exchange South Korean licenses for local licenses, even though the practice has been popular in Shanghai and other cities for many years. The number of Chinese obtaining driver&`&s licenses in South Korea rose from 7,000 in 2010 to around 25,000 in 2013. An officer from the Shanghai Minhang district&`&s vehicle administration, which is part of the police system, said police recently learned from the South Korean traffic department that foreigners must show a landing certificate, which works as a temporary ID, to sign up for driving tests. Only foreigners holding visas for 90 days or longer are eligible to apply for the certificate. In other words, travelers with tourist visas, which usually grant a 15-or 30-day stay, cannot register for driving tests in South Korea. Thus, such applications without a landing certificate have all been suspended in Shanghai. This is NEWS Plus Special English. Scientists in Shanghai may have discovered a way to turn cocaine addiction on and off through a switch-like protein. Cocaine affects the brain by increasing the level of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays important roles in many brain functions, including the feeling of reward and pleasure. The drug works by inhibiting proteins that reabsorb dopamine, causing it to build up and leading to a "high". The researchers found that as addiction is being formed, a protein known as dopamine transporter, or DAT, moves from inside the neuron to the cell&`&s surface, which means that the key difference lies in the DAT&`&s location in the brain. A countermove would block the migration so that the development of the addiction may be put off. The team believes the key to blocking addiction lies in VAV2, a small protein that acts as a molecular switch to regulate the migration of the DAT. According to the scientists, the discovery of VAV2&`&s role may hold the key to cocaine rehabilitation efforts. Other types of drug addictions would require different solutions. For humans, although gene removal is ethically questionable, ways can be designed to suppress the gene through medication. You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I&`&m Liu Yan in Beijing. Stepping on the gas and brake or holding the wheel to drive a car has become unnecessary in an ongoing project at Nankai University in Tianjin. Researchers have carried out an experiment, trying to control a car by the driver&`&s brain alone. Instead of the usual way of steering a car, the driver puts on equipment similar to headphones which collects brain signals, converts them to orders and sends them to the car. In a trial carried out on campus, under the system, the car moved straight forward, backward, stopped, got locked and unlocked. The system took the team two years to develop. But researchers said it will take longer to see the product on the market because the vehicle&`&s electric system needs to be improved. The researchers believe that the technology has a great potential. It makes it easier for people with disabilities to drive, and can greatly improve road safety because the vehicle will stop when the system learns that the driver is drunk, tired or sick. This is NEWS Plus Special English. Vocational colleges in China established more than 3,000 new programs last year to meet the demand of emerging sectors and to cater to people&`&s needs. According to a report on the quality of China&`&s higher vocational education, the programs subjects include the Internet of Things, senior care, community management and urban transit, which are urgently needed to accommodate plans for industrial upgrading and economic transformation. This is the fourth time the annual report has been released by the National Joint Conference of Vocational Technical College Presidents, a nongovernmental organization linking almost 200 vocational colleges and concentrating on the development of higher vocational education in China. However, the report found that although more than 3,000 new programs were created last year, 5,000 others were eliminated or stopped recruiting students. Most of those had encountered fierce competition from similar programs and could not meet the demand of related sectors. The employment rates among their graduates are very low.